Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How to attract more money into your life

once Jesus said in Mathew 7:7-8 that ask and it will be given to you,seek and you will find,knock and the door shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, he who seeks finds and to him who knocks the door will be opened.

This is an amazing truth to me because it goes hand in hand with the law of attraction which says that you attract into you life what you dominantly think about. if you think about poverty it means it is the dominant thoughts you will see synchronicity of poverty coming into you life and the experience of poverty will b applicable to you,since the one who asks will receives.
so what i do? how do you become a good receiver?, first,begin by nurturing yourself. people are creatures of habits and therefore you will have to consciously practise receiving the best life has to offer. you must always practise going crazy with excitement wherever you get even a penny, how unfortunate it is when you are broke and don't have you will always think big in therms of money and wherever you will get even a dollar lying in the ground you cant pick it and bless it. not knowing that by accepting that dollar you are sending a signal that you re ready to receive more in your life.
The moment you stop judging the denomination. Money will find it is way and you will start receiving more in your money. being open and wiling to receive anything and everything that comes your way the God will always send more into your life. If you don't appreciate that dollar it means you are a poor receiver. You have to first expand your receiving inner being before you start filling it physically.
The way you are in one area is usually the way you are in all areas. If you have been blocking yourself from receiving money,chances are you have been blocking everything else in your life. The mind doesn't usually delineate specifically where you are a poor receiver. in fact it is just he opposite, the mind has a habit of overgeneralizing and says" the way it is,it is the way it is , everywhere and always.
if you are a poor receiver,you are a poor receiver in all areas. And if you become an excellent receiver, you will be an excellent receiver in all areas. whatever you get now start saying "thank you". and life Will start changing. i will happy to be sharing with you in prayers and if you want to partner with me donate below.

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Monday, September 29, 2008

You are of great value than you thought.

The pursuit of my personal growth, the field i passionately adore, i have come to realize why there is no any other person like,like you or anybody else. all of us are wonderfuly and fearfully made. The uniqueness of each personality brings a great diversity in loving relationships. i normally tell my wife that you so good to me and i delight being with you,the same with my son every morning before he leaves to go to school i just look at him and say i have never seen anyone like you and i dont think i will ever see again. you were created to fulfill a purpose and no one else can do it except you. go out and fulfill it.

I can imagine the joy that God had when he created you and me and said we populate the earth. furthermore He made us multidimensional much like Himself, great joy, high inteliigence,the power to think,to imagine,to creatively experiment infact to go in any direction our mind could devise.

The gift God values most would be ours that is total freedom of choice, what excitement do we have of completeness. Each one of us can exult in the ability to direct himself or herself to be equal to any challenge. we can run with speed and power,to move gracefully and with discipline and also to sit quietly in contemplation of the surrounding.

In the light to which God surrounded us with we can perceive the truth and recognize the great plans to which God had for us. you and me we can continue discovering it and we attain anything we ever thought of but we must recognize that we are wonderful and start to grow and develop and then we shall wonder at the possibilities for intellictual understanding and pursuits that is open for us.

let no one despise you,dont lower yourself, listen to your intuition and follow, you are the only obstacle to achieveing great things in life. this is my personal mission on earth. to pursue personal development and discover great and unsearchable things that am capable of doing but have not realized. am encouraging you too to pursue if you are willing. print this article and share with your relatives,friends and whomever you are in contact. because we want to have a better experience and serve one anothe to the highest good of all. what do you think. am dedicating myself to discovering profound truths and if you are willing you can partner with me in prayers or send a donation. the pay pal payment sign is below here.

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

success is a learnable skill and you can learn to succeed at anything

author and speaker Jim Rohn says that " if you keep doing what you have always done, you will keep getting what you have always got." and the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. look,if what you have been doing were working you will be happy now.
physicists tell us that nothing in this world is static,everything alive is constantly changing. and if you are not growing then you are dying. the only way to master something is keep on doing it. if you notice my passion is to keep on developing and help others to develop too and that is why everyday i feel that i must post an article for me to read and share with others also.read in
your success
i understand that success is a learn able skill. i can learn to succeed at anything. if i want to be a great pianist i can,if i want to be a great golfer,i can learn on how to do it. and if you want to be happy,you can learn how to do it. even if you want to be rich ,you can learn how to do it. it doesn't matter where you are right now. it doesn't matter who are right now. it doesn't matter where you are starting from, right now. what matters is that you are willing to learn.
remember that every master was insignificant one time. No one comes out of the womb a great golfer,a great financial guru, a great pianist, a great economist. every person learned how to succeed. for example Bill gates learned how to create a great company in the world(Microsoft), Warren Buffet learned how to be a great investor, Tiger woods learned how to be a great golfer and so on.read in
The true meaning of wealth
the fastest way to master a skill is to work on yourself into a "successful" person. again your outer world is a reflection of the inner world. you are the root and your results are the fruits. also remember that the goal of mastering is skill is not to be admired or have a lot money but is to grow and become the best person you can possibly be. the world renowned singer Madonna was asked why she kept on changing her persona,her music and her style every year. she responded that her music was her way to express her "self" and that reinventing herself each year forces her to grow into the kind of person she wants to be.
therefore success is not "what" it is all about "who". the goodness is that the "who" is trainable and learn able. i welcome you the personal growth,because it is the only way we can express who we are and be able to unleash the powers within us and share the talents an gift we have with the rest of the people. if you have been touched leave a donation below,any amount is welcomed, it is one way of keeping connecting and having the feeling good of serving. donate now.

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The true meaning of wealth

yesterday i wrote an article about the true meaning of success,many people wrote to me telling me how the articles touched them and some people asked if i can write again maybe talk about the true measure of wealth. some one wrote an interesting email and asked me how much do you make?, then i thought why couldn't he ask me " what is your net worth?". i know very few people will ask such kind of a question.

Then,as seen from above what is the true measure of wealth, is it the income pay you get every week/month/year or is it the net worth of the financial value of everything you own. what do you think?. people who value pay check will measure wealth in terms of the much they can earn and therefore will admire someone who is pay check reads $30million a month and to satisfy the ego they choose immediate gratification, you have a car,you make more money and you get a better car. you have a house,you make more money and you get a bigger house. you have clothes,you make more money and you get nicer clothes. you have holidays,you make more money and you spend more on holidays. of course there are exceptions to this rule....very few. in general as income goes up,expenses almost invariably goes up and that is why income alone will not make you wealth.

But once you understand that your net worth is the ultimate measure of wealth whereby you can easily turn your assets into cash i.e the bonds,real estate,the current value of your business,the value of the residence you are staying on if own it and then subtract everything you owe.
how to build the net worth

building a net worth is a situation whereby you take a blank sheet of paper and title it "Net worth". then you start by creating a simple chart that begins with Zero and ends with whatever your net worth objective will be. remember that your current net worth is as it is today. then update it quarterly. like now when i learn about this, i started with nothing and doubling every quarter meaning i divided the net worth into four areas: my regular income,savings,investments and simplifications.

working income is the money i earned from active work. and in this case my wife was the one who is working and therefore we count the money there and also i had passive income from our current training business which gives us a profit at the end of the month. let us not forget that working income is very important because it can address the other three areas for example the more income you earn the more you can be able to save and invest. unfortunately many people put their focus on the working income out of the four other areas mentioned above. consequently they end up with a low net worth or none.
many of us earn but don't keep any of it. without creating income to fill the funnel and savings to keep it there it is impossible to make an investment. but once you begin a decent savings from your income,then you can make your money grow through investment. and the better you are at investing the faster you can make your money grow and generate a better net worth this will make you realise how important your net worth is and therefore decrease your living expenses as you increase your savings and make more investments. this is what we call simplification. this is why you read of rich people driving old cars,some living in apartments and so on .
by tracking your net worth,you are focusing on it,and because what you focus on expands,your net worth will expand" where attention goes,energy flows".

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The true meaning of success

what is the meaning of success to you, in a scale of 1 to 10, how can you rate yourself in terms of success as per see. some people will find having more money in the bank account is being rich and other assets which are tangible while other will find having the inner things like peace,harmony,integrity,security and happiness being rich. what about you. in my opinion the true meaning of success is to be successful at the enterprise of living.
how do we find this success
step 1. the first step is to find what you love to do,then do it. unless you love your work,you cannot possibly consider yourself successful at it,even if all the rest of the world hails you as a great success. to love your work means having the deep desire to carry it out.
step 2. is to specialize in some particular branch of work and strive to excel in it.for example if one chooses medicine meaning he will want to be a doctor,he should give attention to his chosen speciality. his enthusiasm should make him want to know all there is available about his chosen field. this is what prompted me to chose this field of personal development because all along i have been wanting to develop as person and also help others develop too. it is an are to be that i always think about all the time,talk about it,in fact am into it that there is no any other field i can feel comfortable working and now what about you. read also adding value to others
step 3. you must be sure the thing you want to do does not contribute only to your success. it must benefit humanity. in other words your idea must go forth with the purpose of blessing or serving the world. and if you work only to benefit yourself you are in the wrong field. think about it today and if you find it don't forget to send me a donation through pay pal. the sign is below here

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

The happiest person is the one who constantly brings forth and practises what is best in himself or herself.

are fear or worry holding you back? let is remember that fear s just a thought in the mind. why do i let it to put me down, many of the times i only imagine the situation before it even happens. for example are you having a relationship but feel that you partner might be cheating you or are you married and feel that your spouse is being unfaithful to you. i want to tell you today that you are 100% correct and nobody should condemn you,why do i support you many people will start dismissing me now but come on let us continue. in fact by you dismissing me you are also right and am also right. so what is the issue now. the issue is that can the answer i have be helpful to me and to those people around me. am i having peace and happiness and if not then what am thinking is not correct when it is observed from outside and this is the one blocking me from achieving happiness in my life.
the happiest person is the one who constantly brings forth and practises what is best in himself or herself. happiness and virtue compliment each other. not only are the best the happiest, but the happiest are usually the best in the art of living life successfully. for example i know of a lady who shared with me on how she taught her man was cheating her and constantly she taught about it. this came about after she listened to a conversation in the office from the fellow workmates who taught that men cheat and they also confirmed that they had evidence,so she also started following up the man to see whether he was cheating her, and you know she attracted everything by having only a thought and you know what, when we shared i told her that she should face the man and get the honest answer before she would think about anything. afterwards she came and shared and told me that there was nothing everything was only fear in the mind.
there is one important thing to remember about being happy. we must sincerely desire to be happy. there are people who have been depressed,dejected, and unhappy so long that they suddenly made happy by some wonderful good,joyous news. many people choose unhappiness without realizing that they are doing so. they do so by entertaining such ideas as these:
today is a black day,everything is going to go wrong
i am not going to succeed
everyone is against me
i m always late
i never get the breaks
he can, but i cant
if you have this attitude of mind the first thing in the morning,you will attract these experiences to you and you will be very unhappy. begin to realize that the world you live in is determined by what goes on in your mind. the thou hgt you habitually entertain in your mind have a tendency to actualize themselves in physical conditions. Ralpho Waldo Emerson said " a man is what he thinks all the day long" remember you experience nothing outside your own mentality.

are you moved to donate something as feel from the heart. the sign is below and you wil be taken to a save site to donate. any amount is appreciated.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

what is the cause of breakups in relationship? is it the money itself or the belief about money.

Are you in a marriage where your spouse is not ready to discuss with you openly about money? do you fight regularly because of money? or are you intending to breakup because of money? you are not alone. it is happening everywhere. allow me to discuss with you what saved my marriage and how come i discovered it.The biggest reason behind the fights people have about money.
it doesn't matter how much money you have or don't have. the bottom line is that, there is a root which is very fundamental about money. each of you grew differently and have different fundamental belief towards money which you sacredly inherited from you parents or those people who brought you up . and this will have a great impact on both of you,because you will like your spouse to adopt your beliefs too and also would like you to to adopt his or her beliefs towards money. this goes to married people,dating couples,family relationship and even business associates. this key here is to recognize that you are dealing with inherited beliefs about money.
rather than feeling bad why this are not working the way you wanted them. you can start by recognizing that your partner's belief about money is not the same as yours. instead of getting upset,choose understanding. do your best to find out what is important to your partner in the area of money an identify his or her motivations and fears. doing this way you will be dealing with the the root instead of the fruits and are on you way working towards having a smooth relationship
steps towards changing. personal experience
This is what i did after i found out that what i was dealing was not the cause towards money . i openly asked my wife if we can discuss the history of each other, of what we heard about money when we were you, what was the reactions towards money in each other's family and what it really means right now now to each other.
from there we created a list of these attitudes with regard to money and success. then we appreciated each other how we grew up and agreed that the modeling had many flaws which is making our relationship crumpling down. we now agreed as partners to create a new list of attitudes and the actions we shall both live by. we wrote it down,we didn't type but used our own handwriting and posted in our bedroom to read every morning and evening and wherever we drift away from them we would remind each other of our commitments and i have seen it working well. now we saved our marriage.am not saying this what you need to do, but if you see it can work practise it,there are several ways in which you can go about to change your fundamental beliefs and even some your taught by your religion. what we are discussing here is not what is ideal,but what can work for both of you and empower you to live in harmony with each other rather than putting yourselves down,you are there for one another. what do you think?

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we live in a world of cause and effect,the tree lesson.

many people grow trees and many of us have come across a tress but have we ever asked ourselves how it came to be a tree. is there lesson we can draw from as it represent the tree of life. on this tree there are fruits. in life we call them the results. whenever we evaluate ourselves based on the fruits we don't like them, maybe they are too small or don't taste well and some even are eaten by worms.
you will find many of us seated under the tree looking at the fruits(results) and feeling dissatisfied,hating yourself. but what caused them to be what they are now is the roots that creates those fruits(results)
it is what is under the ground that creates what is above the ground. it is what is invisible that creates what is visible. and therefore what you Carnot see in the world is more important than what you see. what most people don't realize is that the physical realm is merely a printout of the not seen.
what is going on here is that the real problem cannot be changed in the printout that is the physical world and can only be changed in the program the mental,and the spiritual world. money is a result,wealth is a result,health is a result,illness is a result.
it's not enough to be in the right place at the right time. you have to be the right person in the right place at the right. so who you are? how you think. what are your beliefs? what are your habits and traits? how do you really feel about yourself? how confident are you in yourself? how well do you relate to others? how much do you trust others?. the fact is that your character,your thinking and your beliefs are a critical part of what determines the level of your success.

The majority of people simply do not have the internal capacity to create and hold on t large amounts of money and the increased challenges that go with more money and success. the reality is that most people do not reach their full potential. most people are not successful. many of them are unconscious. they are a little sleep at the wheel. they work and think on a superficial level of life-based only on what they can see. they live strictly in the visible world.
. we live in a world of cause and effect.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

many of us grew up with an element of punishment in us. whereby if you did something wrong you deserved to be punished

no individual has sufficient experience,education,native ability and knowledge to insure the accumulation of great fortune,without accepting himself or herself first. because when you accept yourself means you have accepted total responsibility for what happened in your life in the past and what is happening currently in your life.
recognise that whether you are worthy or not is all a made-up story. again, nothing has a meaning except for meaning we give it. i don't know about you, but i have never heard anybody who went through the "stamping" lineup at birth. can you imagine God stamping each person's forehead as he or she came through? worthy.......unworthy......worthy......unworthy........" i don't think it works that because if you read psalms it says we are fearfully and wonderfully made and God has declared you worthy. there is no one who comes around and stamps you "worthy" or "unworthy". you do that. you make it up. you decide it. you and you alone determine if are accepting to be worthy. it is simply your perspective. and you will live into your story.
people are challenged with the question why are they not worthy, financially stable, having a good relationship and i can guess that over 90 percent of the people have a feelings of not being good enough.
where does this low self-esteem come from? the usual - our conditioning. for most of us comes from hearing negative comments rather than positive one. even if our parents or guardians were incredibly supportive, most of us will end up feeling of not able to measure to the standard of expectation from them.
many of us grew up with an element of punishment in us. whereby if you did wrong you deserve to be punished we were punished by our parents,teachers and those who were older than us. and even certain religion punished us by threatening us if we do wrong with not going heaven. up to now the conditioning of punishment is ingrained in us even if there is not actual punishment when we make a mistake we punish ourselves in the mind(subconsciously). and it would be inform " you are bad, so no money". this explains why some people limit their earnings and why others will subconsciously sabotage their success. are you worthy or unworthy?

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

poverty is the state of mind and nothing else

There are millions of people who believe themselves"doomed" to poverty and failure around the world today. simply because some forces over which they believe they have control over. but without remembering that they are the creators of their own destiny. and because of their own negative belief ,which has affected their hard drive which is the subconscious mind and manifested in the physical world.
Rich people live in a world of abundance and poor people live in a world of limitations. of course both live in the same physical world, but the difference is in their perspective. the poor people come from scarcity. they live by motto's such as " there's only so much to go around, there's never enough and you cant have everything" and although you may not be able to have "everything" as in all the things in the world, i do think you can certainly have everything you really want.
Do you want a successful career or a close relationship with your family! Do you want to focus on business or have fun and play. poor people choose one but rich people have both. nothing brings man suffering and humility as poverty. only those who have experienced poverty understand the full meaning of this. poverty is the state of mind and nothing else

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The more value you add to the world the more wealth and success you accumulate.

Napoleon Hil in his classic book, think and grow Rich has taught us on how to use the power of our minds to become more successful. But what will happen when you only focus on success albert Eisten once said that “try not to becme a man of success ; rather try to become a man of value”. So what does that mean exactly?

It means developing a strategy for your life that is based on increasing your value. It means moving from your current life to a different life where you can provide more value better than anyoe else. One of the major secret to success and wealth is the power of value and service. Therefore the more you serve the more you succeed. The more value you add to the world the more wealth and success you accumulate.

Fore example in the idea of service. Your level of succes depends on how many people you can help either diectly or indirectly i.e if you help 500 people to become successful then you can measure your success by giving it a value of 500. and i you want to have more success, think how you can help more people.

Now instead of focusing on success,focus on specific,measurable activities that will increase your value to yourself and others. Using the intriscic value with time your value will yield great harvest.

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Monday, September 22, 2008

Those precious hours just after we drift off to sleep is creative moments use it well

I was once told by someone that I should end each day by crossing it off my calendar and saying out loud, "There goes another day of my life, never to return again." But why many of us love ending the day with watching news that are full of murder, war and mayhem of all kinds and we call it news and what happens is the we end the day feeling of regrets or loss, so instead of being grateful and enter to the most creative hour with a positive note we end it badly. Let us remember that there is a time when we are at our most creative, productive and powerful. A time when we have complete access to all of our resources and can solve virtually any problem. A time when the great inventors of our time talk about having had their “ ah ha” moments and where many our most pressing problems have been solved.

It is that time in our lives when we have total access to our power and can tap in the source of “all that is” for help with anything in our lives. Those precious hours just after we drift off to sleep. These are some of the most creative time we have available to us. Unfortunately ,most people prepare themselves up for entering this time by watching late hour news just before going to bed. Am not against the news but against watching news before going to bed.

This is the absolute worst thing you can do. Think about the images that you are taking with you into your dream state. It is no wonderful so many people are unhappy and depressed. Instead if you really must watch the news why cant you then record and watch them the following day. Some will say that it would have ceased to be news. Let it cease but grow.

When you substitute positive, uplifting ideas in place of negative ones you will provide the subconscious mind thoughts, words and even pictures of the kind of life you want to live. One time a gave it a trial by taping all my favorite shows and saved them for 21 days and i want to share with you that after 21 days it was very enlightening. The point again is that you don't need to continue any of the above beyond 21 days. Think of the benefits you’ll gain from those 21 days alone. You can re-asses after the trial period. You’re certain to grow just from the experience, even if it’s temporary.

The power of the above approach is its simplicity. This is because you will allow yourself to look at more important thing in your life and hence create positive images in your subconscious mind which will have a dramatic effect on your creativity and outcomes. Don't be surprised if you start waking up with new, empowering ideas that will propel you toward even greater success. I ‘d be surprised if you do not.

These images will provide your subconscious mind with a clear picture of what you want. Since your subconscious acts on whatever commands you give it, by virtue of the laws of the universe. It will begin bringing it towards you.

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Imagination is more important than knowledge

Have ever known that you have within you the power to create whatever amount of many you want. But why do we have very few people who are successful and other are not.

The most widely celebrated American genius, Albert Einstein, said that he felt that" imagination is more important than knowledge”. It is easy enough to read and say “sure imagination is more important than knowledge”. And go on with your day. I never saw the importance of the above phrase however when i started thinking about it started making sense to me because I didn’t want just to accept and go on with my life. Actually what does Einstein mean when he says imagination is more important than knowledge is their any deeper meaning than the mere acceptance of the words?

When i went deeper to understand what he meant is when I started actually getting the meaning . like now think for a moment IMAGINATION- is the ability to image or visualize something your desire. Now do we get the point here , having he image of something you desire. What is it that you desire in life, do you desire to have a lot of money and how much, do you desire to live a good neighbor and where and now do you have the image of the thing you want.

Many people have the knowledge that you must have good income to live happy but few who can manage to have the image of what they want and this is the reason the old gent was trying to tell s that the most important part of creation process is the engagement of the powers of visualizing or imagining what you want. It makes sense since this principle is supported in virtually all religions, spiritual and philosophical teaching handed down to us.

How can this happen. It can happen by you making it possible. If you vividly imagine that which you desire, your unconscious mind will begin to bring it to you. And nothing more. Once we have the image then you will begin to attract all the necessary components for its successful accomplishment, including now knowledge.

This can come in the form of another person you meet who just happens to possess the specialized knowledge you need. You may see adverts for a seminar or class you would attend to learn what you need to know or you may be guided to a particular books or audio program that will give you the knowledge you require.

Your work is to become clear about what you desire and devote sometime each day seeing this as having already manifested and then go about you living your life, paying attention to synchronicities.

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Find a Want and Fill It and then make money

Are currently at the crossroads, you dont know whether to quit your unfulfilling job or to stay on, you earn very little and cant meet your bills, want to start a business but dont know how but do you have something valuable to offer people. Let us explore ways which you can do something you will enjoy and earn a living through it.

Years ago sales people were taught that the way to become successful was to find a need
and fill it. The problem with this type of thinking is that there is a world of difference
between what people need and what they want and are willing to pay money to have.
People need all sorts of things.
They need to eat healthier and exercise more. Lots of people need driving lessons. This
does not mean that they want them or want to pay to have them. As a matter of fact, I
am going to suggest that you develop a habit of adding additional income sources on a
regular basis . We’ll talk more about that later, however, Too many people try to
launch several businesses at once and end up succeeding in none of them it is important that you have one source up and running well before you embark on an additional venture. The possible
exception to this might be if you are working in partnership with others and each
partner can be the key person for one of the ventures. The best and simplest way you can increase your income immediately and make more money now is to start a part or full time service business.
As it was explained to me by a friend and mentor years ago, as a society or geographic
locale develops and grows, it expands from providing bare necessities like electricity
and water to becoming more service oriented. Depending upon where you live, the demands and types of services will vary greatly.
Offer services which people want
You can always make money by offering a service people want.
I like service businesses for a number of reasons:
They have little or no start up cost.
They present very little risk.
They do not require buildings, employees or large investments in equipment.
Service businesses come in every shape and size.I was driving around Nairobi,Kenya some days ago and passed by a van with the words “Laundry services at your door step” painted on the outside above a mobile number. When I got home I called the number and met, the owner, who took care of drycleaning services until we had to change because his waiting list was too long.
Today, some three years later I still see him, interestingly enough, at the bank. He has a
solid business doing dry cleaning services to people’s homes

Another enterprising individual, I read about, was sitting at a suburban train station one
morning during rush hour and seeing all the commuters wearing dress clothes, set up a
station pick up and delivery service where people could drop off their dry cleaning on
their way to the train in the morning and pick it up the following evening their way
home. When I learned of it, he was setting up shop at the rest stops along the New York
State throughway, to take care of the auto commuter traffic.

In 1989, an unemployed college student, Brian Scudamore, was sitting in a McDonald's
trying to figure out how to make a living. He noticed a beat up truck over flowing with
junk. He invested his last $700 to buy a used pick-up and launched what has become 1-
800-GOT-JUNK? Today they have over 200 franchises and are growing rapidly.
Remember People will always pay for someone to provide a service they do not or can not do
By far, the simplest, and easiest to start service business I have ever heard about was the
guy who went door-to-door, asking people if they were planning on having
improvements made to their house any time in the next six months. If they answered
“yes,” he would ask if he could send one of his recommended license contractors to
provide them with a free, no-obligation consultation and estimate.
He then took these very hot leads to his network of contractors and received a finder’s
fee if the job went through. This was brilliant.
If you consider the cost of home improvements, like a new roof, siding, driveways,
swimming pools, decks, etc., and realize that he could have easily asked for and
received at least 10% of the order, this is a very profitable business for just walking
around in the fresh air and talking to people in nice neighborhoods. The basic start up
requirements for a business like this, aside from the license and legal paperwork would
be business cards and a clean shirt and there you are.
Be creative. Ask around.
Think about the types of services you would like, but can not find in your local. When
you travel, see what’s being done in other places that you might do in your own area.
Whenever I travel, I make a point of observing what local businesses are doing. I usually
talk to one or two business people in the town or city I’m visiting. This gives me a totally
new perspective on things and opens my thinking to new possibilities.
Get rid of the idea that you can not make more money.
Yes, you can!

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When you deny your problems, you turn away from truth

Life has no other discipline to impose,if we would butrealize it, than to accept life unequestioningly. Everything we shut our eyes to, everything we run away from,everything we deny,denigrate or despise,serves to defeat us in the end. What seeems nasty, painful ,eveil,can become a source of beauty,joy and strenght, if faced wth an open mind. Every moment is a golden one for him who has th vision to recognize it at such.- henry miller

Yes, we all struggle,day in day out. However,some people simply manage the challenges better than others and are thereby able to expend their energies on winning rather than merely enduring the undetected. Scud missiles that come out of nowhere,that is threating their well plans. Although all of us face these trials, it seems that some people have advantage over others.

We may not see the sweet harvest coming after the bitter planting. The only certain about life is that it will change if we keep on. So many of life’s hardship derive their power from the unexpected timing of the punch that catches us off guard. For you to create a life of your choosing. It is not for me to say what that life should look like, but i’ll do my best to help you figure it out.

No matter how faith-filled ,how financialy responsible, how politically correct you are,or how congenial you may be with others,you will find yourself from time to time facing times that threatens and leaves us with alot of problems and that is when you must ask yourself whether you accept the problem or deny it.

When you deny your problems, you turn away from truth. The lies you tell yourself spawn more lies,infecting your mind with falsehood that weave themselves into your identity. You become disconected from your true self, living as a mere shadow of the being you were meant to be.

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Can you enjoy your work and make money too?

Not all of us have money to set up a business or the luck, or the chances aren't there. Sometimes, you are glad to have a job-any job. So you grab the job in the factory or the store. You might not love the job but you comfort yourself that anyway a job is a job and you can make things work best for you.

But the question is do you need to get stuck in a rut? Is your current job the only option? At least if you look beyond yourself. There are many options. Just look around what else you can do and start doing it.

You might ask, how do i know that what i enjoy doing will lead to money? The best answer will be to give it a trial and judge it yourself. I don't want to give myself as an example because you have never met me and nor heard me but look around you there are lots of examples of individual whom worked on the work they enjoy and got the really money they wanted.

I’ve met quite a number of people who are enjoying what they are doing ,but have never heard any of them say that doing what they love is a burden to them. We spend so much of our lives working to make a living that doing something we loathe seems pointless. I believe in balance, what Buddhists call harmony. On the whole i have been very lucky maintaining this balance. That is enjoy your work and make money too.

If you still have to work for a boss at a job you don't like, as most almost everyone does at some point in life. Just have a positive outlook on life and just get on with it. Enjoy the people, you come into contact with though your job and if you are still unhappy, make it instead our goal to divide your private life from work life. Have fun in your own time, consider that your boss or your company is paying for your fun and you will feel happier and enjoy your life and your job more. Mhhhhhh what is your opinion

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Why would I spend my time learning all the secret about what kennedys, Rockellers, Ross perots and the rest who create jobs, make other people rich and make things happen. The reason is that they always do well despite of the economics times, while the rest we are crying that the economy is bad them are getting rich and even are happy because it is an opportunity for them to invest.

I wanted to see how I can relate the capitalist to the personal development. Why would you be interested with raising your awareness and develop the consciousness while the capitalist is very much in the control over the physical environment in the personal growth is more in non-physical environment because a capitalist is main purpose is to make more money by synergistically orchestrating other people’s money, other people’s talents and other people’s time. The personal growth's developing his consciousness so that it will enable him to progressively master over his mind and be able to maintain a positive emotional state regardless of circumstances ,making intelligent and deliberate decisions and building an accurate and effective model of reality.

Capitalist know how to manage risk and make money without money. They can do this because they know that money is not a thing but merely an idea created in their head. The conscious people as well would want money in their lives but it is a means to an end and they own their minds. They make sure their thinking is clear and focused, and they select and direct their thoughts deliberately and retain control over their emotions and don't succumb to distractions, when you talk to such kind of people you can know how depth and clarity they are. These people live proactively and are emotionally resilient, rising above their circumstances instead of being victimized.

The capitalist know that money is their game and it is a game of life. They love the game of money more than any other game....more than gardening. This is the game that gives them life. Whether they are winning or losing money, you can always hear them say” i really love this game and i will never surrender”. And this will be the game of personal development is to develop their consciousness whether they are loosing or winning they will always pursue it because they know the benefit in that they would have mental clarity, enhanced problem solving and both groups are generous in that capitalist will ready to donate what they have to the good of other and the conscious people will always want to raise others consciousness. Am hoping to see myself coining by being conscious capitalist what you think

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Is the love of money the root of all evil?

How are you earning money currently? Are you giving your best value to get the money or you are competing to get it. As i was growing up i was conditioned to believe that having alot of money was eveil and by the time i started earning my dollar i was already heaped with limiting beliefs that the puruit of money was wrong. And to me at that time it seemed a negative thing even though i needed o meet my basic needs.

Now the question is ? is money the root of evil? Is the love of money the root of all evil? Or will money simply take root in the your thoughts?

What is it then,can we say making money quickly implies you are greed and selfish or you are just acquiring so that you can assist the rest. Does it mean making money will make another person lose or there is away in which you can make money withut hurting someone.

The point here is that we are reading from different scripts. The scarcity mentaliy and abundance mentality which all these are the state of mind. Now who is evil is it the one who has or who doesnt. This is a question all of us will ask. How rational is your financial behaviour right now. Would you describe it as fulfilling or a struggle. Have you ever questioned your beliefs about money.
Napoleon Hill in his think and grow rich book describe poverty as the state of mind and nothing else. But it is sufficient to destroy one’s chances of achievement in any undertaking. In any undertaking from above we will even mean not even appreciating what money can to him. What will be the solution?....................................

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Be the bank and not the banker in personal growth

When it comes to money, many people will say that the rich create money and often play the role of a banker and then deep down we will find there is a difference between being rich and being wealth. Being wealth means the number of days you can survive without physically working and still maintain your standard of living.
Ultimately being wealth does not mean the much money you can make, but how much money you keep and how long that money works for you. Many people think when they are rich for earning a lot of money that is it. And yet you will find all their money go to their expenses and that is the relationship they can create because they are a banker rather than being the bank.
Why am I relating the above to the personal growth, for you to choose to be a bank rather being the bank is because major the banker is an employee of the bank and he only interested with the pay checks rather than what is happening around the bank as a whole not a section of where he is working i.e. a cashier is to receive/give money. And many instances many people think that when you work for the bank you will never go broke and you always have money because you are accessible to it but it is irony that many of the bankers are the most broke people you will find( I mean some).
In the personal growth there is like hood that some people are playing the role of the banker rather than the bank because they are always with money but they are also always broke. Many people cry that the world is unfair, am unlucky, am not privileged and so on and yet they walk with the bank which is the mind and are accessible to it any time. But with the right channel because it doesn't mean when you work for the bank you will take the money as you want you will be in jail in the next minute don't try but you can use the right procedure and get the much money you want. Because many banks provide many privileges to its employees which others are not.
Why don't we become a bank ourselves in the personal industry. Probably the main reason though is that the mind is not trained to play the role of the bank and this one you must pay a due. They get drawn in by the lure of earning income but they don't have the skills to deliver on the services side. Getting an income is a nice thing but this shouldn't be the primary motivation. What will you do if you have all the money ? wait for death? Income is a means to an end, but what is the end you are after. Being a bank means there is a flow cash meaning money going out and money coming in but a banker is only interested with the cash coming in but even though they give a service.
To be wealthy, a bank and the rest we must learn on how to build momentum and pay the price and develop your skills. I know it is hard to be patient, but your earlier skill building work can pay off massively down the road not just for yourself but for all the people you will eventually help.
Every field has a core set of basic structure to follow. And if you commit to master of those structure over a period of years you will probably do very well in the growth. And if you try to shortcut and say is better to be the banker rather than the bank because a bank takes to time to grow then get used to disappointment. Just understand that at the long end the benefit are great. Work on your growth passionately and enjoy along the way.
When you start something it is like planting a seed. You may have to water it for a while before you see any results. But eventually you get a nice harvest that makes it all worthwhile since energy flows where attention goes.
Many people think it is a long time to be what you want to be. You might think twenty years is a long time but it doesn't matter. That time is going to pass no matter what you do. It is inevitable that you will find yourself there someday. When that day arrives you will either have grown personally or you wont. It is up to you to decide which path you will take. And if you don't consciously commit to the path of growing you settle for stagnation by default. Please don't allow that for yourself. Choose today and start now

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Why do many people invest in real estate?

Many people in the world today are running towards investing in the business of real estate even those without a skill and they are all over places,talk of New york,London,Australia,Canada,Dubai,China,etc. Ask a person why are you investing in this business of real estate, then he will tell that this is the business with big cash flow,amortization,leverage,depreciation,where you use your creaticity, predictability and all those terms used in the real estate but to me even though i have not started investing in the real estate i see as a direction to go in the future not because of the above reasons but because real estate is slow business as personal development.
Since i started raising my awareness to personal growth i realised that developing your consciusness is not an overnight thing but a gradual process which takes time to reach the state that you wanted in life,rather than the quick fix easy growth have heard and being promoted over the web that you can use one method and it brings alot of changes in life within days,but are those changes long lasting let us be realistic. We are creatures of habits and for one to adopt into a change you need to spend time into somehing and practise it over and over again for you to realise the good results.
Warren buffet an example
Warren Buffet is famous for talking about the intrinsic value of a stock. While many people parrot or try to mimmic Mr. Warren is words rarely do they understand what he means by saying intrinsic value. Once you understand intrinsic value,you may better understand why some investors make much money than others. You can also realize that you can fnd intrinsic value even in personal development,real estate other than the stock which is an area for warren buffet.
Intrinsic value in personal growth
Let me explain intrinsci value using personal growth as an example since it is my area too and it is a field which anyone is involved even those who are in the stock,real estate and etc. Many investors are addicted to watching the market go up or down. Their days gets off to a good start if the price goes down. That is not what warren Buffet does. While the price of an asset is important it is not something he watch on a daily basis as many investors do. Warren pays close attention to price when he buys a business. After that,he really is not concerned if the share price is going up or down. Nor does he care if the stock market is opened or closed. He does not play the stock market as most investors do.
First of all,warren buffet does not just own stocks. He owns business. Secondly what in really essence warren buffet looks at a business is a well managed business that grow more valuable overtime which means appreciating with time.
Back to personal growth perspective
As many self-proclaimed gurus promises you overnight growth in the personal development,can we have warre buffet in the personal development industry who understands intrinsic value that personal growth is a compounding value which in other words accelerate in value with time. When you invest time to develope your consciuoness you will not be concerned of the ups and down and why you are not getting the real results and get disappointed and maybe curse yourself but once you become more conscious of the benefits of the personal growth that is the price of it. The rest shall come to pass.

What does it mean to become more conscious? We can define it as the progressive realization of conscious mastery over the our mind. Whereby it includes the following.
making careful,intelligent and deliberate decisions
maintaining a positive emotional state regardles of circumstances
developing empowering beliefs while doing away with the disempowering one
guarding your thoughts,emotions and behaviours
being focused on the important matters and leaving the rest out
growing an effective mode of reality

all the above skills can be learn compounding with time and over the course of one’s life will prove significant than anything learned anywhere. The benefits can be outlined below which comes with an intrinsic value of developing our consciuos mind.
Ø Increased self awareness- this will enable you to succeed in your underaking because you understand your capabilities more accurate than before. You are able to notice your strenghts and weakness and can also help you uderstand other people as well.
Ø Problem solving- developing our consciousness will be a great tool at problem solving,especially where there’s a large set of relevant information to choose from. For example marital problems is a good example. The more conscious you are the better you can understand all the details of the problem and the more mental power you can use to solve the problem.
Ø Emotional understanding- as you develop your consciousness you are able to gain control over your emotional state. With practise you can learn to mantain a positive emotional state regardles of extenal circumstances. By feeling good and acting from within that framework, you’ll gradually relaease the sources of negativity from your life and replace them with positive ones.
Ø Better relationships-developing your consciuosness will help you begin communicating naturally and effortlessy,whether with strangers or old friends. People will seem less threatening and will want to connect with you. Human interaction will just seem to make a lot more sense. Your deeper understanding of the people will boost your confidence in social situations as well.
Ø Gain sel-discipline- many problems which seem challenging can easily be overcome with sufficient self discpline. For the disciplined mind,these problems are almost trivially easy to solve. But without sufficient self-discipline,frustration and failure is more likely outcome.
Ø Better health and keeping fit- you will develop more conscious eating,exercise and health habits. Will always be out trying what works best for you. You will know that you do have a physical body an its health will have a significant impact on your life. So accept the responsibility and take care of the body.
Ø Improved financial abundance- by keeping your thoughts focused on what you want and by conditioning financial abundance beliefs you will attract more money into your life and this will enhance your ability to create more value to people

Just decide to have an intrinsci value in your consciusness and you will have great benefits in your life.

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Invest in raising your awareness and everything including money shall come to your life

Many successful people have left school without receiving a college degree,others have started fortune companies without having any money at all,some having inherited wealth from their parents but have gone to multiply the wealth and make it big in a life time. So what will be the secret for you and me,that is available for everyone to access the same despite the origin,color,race,place,level of education,rich,and poor.
The secret here can never be found anywhere,any place, in the world except within and this is discovery that we have the power to change our beliefs,enjoy our relationship,have a good career in life which means spending most of our time to change our context for the beter. The development of our consciousness will make us realise that we have more than we thought and have an awareness that we have a power within that can achieve great things in life. It is the one that brings a great invention in life, a big discovery, solve the unsolvable problem to help people in the world.

People invest differently and they get different results but which one of this is the long lasting investment that can never come to pass even if everything is destroyed and can make you have a different reality to choose the best other investment in place, for example look at the following types of investment which many people invest at first:- people invest in their education which is a traditonal education whereby you spend many years in a class room studying about calculus,spherical trigonometry,chemistry,physics,french,english literature which is an essential skill for your development but rarely does it make you realise the power that you in you. Because in many occassions people develop this skill to have a better chance of earning more money and that is why when i was advised when growing up and wanted to choose a career i was told to go for proffessional courses like to be a Doctor,Lawyer,Banker because they are areas i can earn a lot of money.

Anothe form of investement is the loyalty and hardwork. Many people are advised that once they get a job they should make sure they spend all their energy toeing in the line of the employment acts, be a good employee and shall be given a higher position, shall be rewarded with a higher salary and so on. So an individual will take time investing himself to it and no time to know the power within him and finally he comes to discover that he was leaning against the wrong wall.

If you pick an area that you are passionate about,investing all your resources will not be a problem. You can actually enjoy it all the way but only com to discover that what you were passionate about was not within your power and it is because you never knew and that is why i want to say that raising our awareness will help us to expand in all areas meaning you can be an effective person. Rather than being driven by the money,position or something else we should invest being effective servicemen to one another and make a big contribution to the world and be assured that everything shall come to you like nice family,nice home,nice car and even lots of money.

The challenge is that it takes awareness to grow awareness. But you needn’t worry about this because you already have the seed. Think of it like fire. You have a flame, and you want to turn that flame into a huge blaze. How do you do it? You add fuel. The fuel is inestment, you will invest you knowledge,truth,courage,compassion,attention,reason,energy and intention and to much of that you will love and enjoy life because is lifelong development. Wish you success.

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008


There are three types of invetors in the world. It can be money,time,education,love etc and they are
People who do not invest at all
People who invest but are not ready to lose
People who invest for a win-win formula

The first group of people are always negative and they see nothing but negative situations,circumstances,opportunities and they think ,they were born unlucky and they wish to do die. Helping a person like this to change his perception is hard work.

There is also a second class of people who dont want to lose anything and they want to play safe. They have saver’s mentality to everything. A small thing will prevent them not taking risk at all. They pretend to love someone with all heart but deep down in the heart they act out of fear. They keep money in the bank account hoping it will grow but dont want to put it into use. They go back to school to get another degree for a pay rise but not starting his own business. They are always too cautiosly and will always take media information as a sacred information. This kind of people if they raise their awareness can be useful people at large.

The third group of people and the last one is the group which have raised their awareness and are conscious about themselves and can lose everything. They are ready to explore and venture into new realms because they know that is the place where there is opposrtunities and are not ready to stay in their comfort zone. They are always willing to study more, want more control of themselves and invest for higher returns.

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Your goals can be achieved if aligned with personal values

What magnetic north is to the compass, a goal is to us? The goals will vary from one individual to another, but to explain the point let me use the following example. John might come up with an example of goals listed below:
1. make a million by 31st of 2008
2. buy a home worthy $400,000
3. start a home business
4. marry my fiancée by January(Jane)

The above is an example of the goals john came up with, the he can sit down and evaluate them from the most important to the least. He will then pour energy into realizing the goal. Values will come to help us a guide, because he will always ask himself whether they are in alignment with his personal values in life and then consult them for guidance if the goal is in conflict with the values drop it and move to the next, but a warning don’t allow the values to hinder you from achieving a goal that would have changed your life for better.
Your values are your current estimations of truth. They represent your answer to the question of how to live. Some sets of values will fail to produce the results you want .You may want to change your values when you understand and accept where they are taking you, and you realize that what you appear to value right now will not enable you to enjoy the "best" possible life for you Your "best" life is your vision of all the destinations you wish to reach - the greatest ultimate destiny you can possibly imagine for yourself. But your values are just a measure of the current direction you're headed right now. And in most cases these two things are incongruent, meaning that your current values are not aligned with the course of your best life. You can change them by listing the values and goals of your life.
Remember that your current values are your truth currently and can continue be improved along the way. We have to always align them with universal principles which we were given: love, power and sound mind by God himself.
In 1972, life magazine published a story about the amazing adventures of John Goddard. When he was fifteen year, john’s grandmother said “if only I had done that when I was young….” Determined not to make that statement at the end of his life, john wrote about 127 goals for his life. He named ten rivers he wanted to explore and seventeen mountains he wanted to climb. He set goals t become an eagle scout, a world traveler, and a pilot. Alas on his list was: ride a horse in the Rose Bowl parade, dive in a submarine, retrace the travels of Marco polo, read the Bible cover to cover and read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica. He also planned to read the entire works of Shakespeare, Plato, dickens, Socrates, Aristotle and several other classic authors. He desired to learn play the flute and violin, marry, have chicken (he had five), pursue a career in medicine and serve as a missionary for his church.
Sounds impossible? At the age of forty-seven, john Goddard had accomplished 103 of his 127 goals. The reason why many fail to overcome the initial to overcome the inertia is the absence of some specific goals aligned with personal values

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

How to be money conscousness.

Everyone who has sen active service in war knows that the cure to fear is to do forced repetition of acts of courage. Having a money consciouness is not something you are born with but something mastered through persitent of wil-power whereby you apply all of the rules unil their appllication becomes fixed habit in you,the wight someone can master weight lifting until he becomes a champion.
Those who have mastered the habit of persistence seem to enjoy abundance of money in their lives and bountifully rewarded. It is not something not meant for few,but is accessible to everyone who is ready to pay the dues,am not promising that is very easy. But with constant development finally one can master it and enjoy the benefits.
You can train yourself to be money conscious
Money is attracted to the one whose mind is favourable as poverty is attracted to the mind has been deliberately prepared to attract it. Therefore to have alot of money is the state of mind and nothing else and it can be developed upon definate causes as shown.
Definate of purpose: how much do want to earn at the end of the month,year, and so on. It should be well written,so that you can see every now and then. Can you have a strong will to overcome difficualties to achieve it.
Strong desire: you must have a driving force behind the amount of money you want to earn in your life,do you see worthy of the money,are you admiring the lifestlye of the people who have the money you want to have.
Plan: you must sit and look at the current situation you are in and draw a plan on how you want to earn the amount of money you want. Let us say you want to earn $10,000 per month. Then you have to ask yourself what are some of the acivities i need to do so that i can reach these goal,if then am i doing them. When i evaluated my money consciousness. I discovred the activities i was doing would not make me have the money i wanted ,so i have to redefine everything.
Will power: you must understand that once you recognize that the current activities are not empowering and cannot help you generate the amount of money you want and you have drawn a different plan to help you achieve your financial status, you must surmon the courage to face the current reality and cultivate a new one ,and all these need a will power. Without will power you will remain the same and continue wishing for the rest of your life.
Habits: once you recognize the new opportunities and sure that they shall garantee you the income that you want. Then you must develop daily habit which are congruent to the person you want to have,meaning you must drop habit that have inconguencies in you life and bring in new one. It will not be easy but if you do it repeated finally you will reap the benefits. Once i recognised that if i wanted to be more productive i must wake up at 3.00am in the morning and start working, you think it was an easy thing. But having knowledge that this thing is for my own good i just persisted and you cannot be persisted if you dont love something.

For sure if we have knowledge of the above, i want to assure you that you will achieve the financial status you wanted or earn the amount of money you have been enevying in your life.

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Friday, September 5, 2008

The challenge of finding your life purpose

Finding your purpose in life is a huge responsibility, both for men and women. There is an old saying that “the longest journey begins with one step” there are practical steps you can take that will help you identify and define your God-given purpose. They are the same steps that Nehemiah in the Bible took to find and confirm what God called him to do. Its significance. Discovering a life purpose is one of the greatest blessings you’ll ever experience, and having non is one of life’s greatest curses.
Some people really feel the weight of this choice, and it scares them. I see this lot with many people around me. What if I was created without a purpose? What if I have many purposes in life? What if I discover my purpose but my parents don’t agree with me? Those are all good questions. It’s great to be asking them ahead of time.
It’s OK to be a little anxious about this choice, but don’t let the fear stop you from exercising your ability to discover consciously. You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t even have to be right at first. In fact, you’ll get much better results in the long run if you’re willing to continue the journey.
Consider the following points we learn from Nehemiah.
1. Nehemiah sought the Lord for his purpose.- you may sometimes be aware of your purpose because you are not aware and have to raise your awareness and ask God to reveal it to you. Nehemiah 1:4 says “when I heard these things, I sat down and wept . for some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven” we learn that at that time Nehemiah discovered what God wanted him to do. You can easily take your purpose for granted because to you is second to nature. You may already know your purpose or be closer to knowing it than you realize. And Nehemiah is purpose was to rebuild Jerusalem, the city of his fathers, which is why he asked visitors how it was back home. It was not Nehemiah who was there only but there where so many people but it is only Nehemiah who inquired and had burden for Jerusalem.
2. Nehemiah saw himself as a team player.- you need to see yourself fulfilling your purpose while working as a team player. Don’t stand far and start condemning and complaining that something is not being done. You might find it is you only who is seeing what you are seeing and it is waiting you to sort it out ,go out and do it. Compare that with what Nehemiah could have said .” my fathers sinned and they did these things wrong” but that was not the fact, he always said we did this, we did that because he had the right attitude, God clearly revealed to him that he was to have a role in the rebuilding process. Only “we” people get that privilege.
3. You must be able to clearly describe your purpose – you need to have a statement that explains your purpose in life, write it down and let it be your point of reference whenever you are making any decision in life. Until you have that, you can’t be effective because you will lack focus in your in life. Nehemiah knew it all along even when he got opposed.
4. Recognize that it is God who gives ability to fulfill your purpose in life. - Your purpose in life will require faith and diligence if your want to be effective. Everyone in the bible was overwhelmed by their purpose. Even Jesus sweat drops of blood when he came to the hour in which his purpose would be fulfilled, may times you must trust that God is leading in the right direction and out of you comfort zone and just press on.
Making the mistake of living without life purpose
I’m going to be totally straight with you. If you make a mistake and stay without a purpose you’ll probably suffer because you will lack focus. It would not be an easy thing to do but it is the best decision you can ever make in life. Discover your purpose today and you will never regret. May God bless you?

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How can I raise my financial IQ? make an intelligent choice

While there is absolutely no question that there are universal laws of success and general principles,rules,traits and habits shared by most successful people, the mixture of those elements could never be the same for every person. Every combination lock has the same numbers on it. But each one requires a different sequence to open. The determinant on how to raise you financial IQ remains up to you and me to find.
At various times in our lives we will come to a dead-end crossroads where we just aren’t sure what to choose. If you’re a very objective person, you might prefer may be to hold back from making a decision until evidence is shown to you. Of course the problem with that approach is that often the evidence of a clear winner never arrives.
There are some potential paths through life which simply cannot be understood from the outside looking in. For example, consider the path of raising your own financial IQ. This path looks very different from the outside looking in than it does from the inside looking out. I think the only way you can really know which path is right for you is to start and start raising your financial IQ for a while, and compare with when you don’t raise at all and see which one you like better. I never knew how to rise for financial IQ for long and understand how it feels and I have tried raising my IQ, I really love it. So it was an easy decision for me to choose the latter than former one. I don’t have to fantasize about which path might be the right one — I tested both options and selected the one that was right for me. But always trust in God to help you make wise decision.
After experiencing both paths for yourself, which one should you choose? Choose the one that empowers you the most — the path of greatest empowerment. You will generally find that one path is more empowering than the other. If you adopt that staying with the current mode of reality you have like struggling to pay bills and you find yourself less capable of functioning in the world, having a harder time achieving your goals, and experiencing more frustration and other negative emotions, that path is disempowering. If you change your mode of reality and want to raise your financial IQ and find yourself attracting more money into your life, achieving your goals more easily, and experiencing more joy and other positive emotions, that path is empowering. It is up to you to choose which better is empowering.
The point is that your future is yet to be made. You may as well make it up today and make it up the way you want it to be, rather than what you are afraid it might not be. Too many people go to the worst case choosing rather than the best case choosing when it comes to financial issue. It has the positive effect of increasing your certainty that your default path is still the current best. So try changing to experience new version to test whether it will be of any help and I want to assure you that you current default is not the best because it might have been installed by someone else than you. The only way to raise your financial vibrations is see things differently than normal then you will be free.
I think you’ll find this mindset beneficial as we explore different ways on how to raise financial intelligence .Perhaps the biggest challenge of this approach is when you try a new path, and it works, but it’s such a radical departure from what you’re used to that it turns your whole notion of reality upside down. That’s happened to me more than once. For example, if your life is centered around a belief that you have to get a job or go back to class and add a professional course to position yourself for a financial increase than maybe starting your own business or investing your money to earn you multiple stream of income then that ’s a really big shift you’re facing. How do you handle it? In the long run, I find it’s best to bite the bullet and do whatever it takes to integrate that new knowledge, even if it causes radical shifts in your career and relationships. It may take weeks, months or years to resurface in a place that feels comfortable again.

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

How to overcome yourself from postponing accomplishing tasks(procrastination).

I can call it a “disease” which has infected many people in the world today. And it is the habit of putting off tasks to the last minute and has costed major problems both in personally and career wise. We have missed many good things in life because of procrastination. What are some of the causes of procrastinating and how can we overcome it.

Our mode of reality- the way we have conditioned our mind to function is major obstacle to us procrastination and since you feel that whatever you have to do seems a forced one. You might want to postpone, so that you can do it later since you don’t see any reason to do it. By reasoning in you head, you come with excuses that is associated to what you want to do. You will think that negatively about the tasks for example someone might come up with an idea of starting a business. Then immediately think of the consequences like, what if the business fails, do I have enough money to start the business or what if my friends don’t agree with me. For sure you have not even started the business but here you are contemplating negative thoughts in your head, why cant you accommodate positive thoughts for having the business flourishing and bringing you a lot of cash, many of your friends admiring you, having the freedom of being your own boss. Because of the response of the thoughts we have, we find many times will determine of us not starting something and hence procrastination. Associate the tasks with positive benefits and you would have overcome procrastination.

Another cause of procrastinating is having thoughts about the steps you can take to complete the whole thing. When you think of finishing the whole thing at ago, you are creating a feeling of overwhelm in you. Since you can’t understand how you will finish the thing it will make you keep on putting off to gather for more information and than start it. The suggestion is that you break down the task into small pieces ,instead of thinking to finish that you must finish the whole thing
If you really understand this your life will change dramatically.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The journey to your purpose in life

Many of us we are living a life, where we don’t know where we are coming from and where we are going. Good for those who discover their purpose in life and effectively live to serve to the fullest. Discovering your purpose in life is a process and you need some guidelines to give you a sense of direction to clarify your purpose. And as it becomes clear, then commit yourself wholeheartedly to pursue it.
The following is a guideline I followed to discover my dream in life which is a purpose. Many other times we have ever lived doing our purpose but ignorantly, the best times comes when you pursue it knowingly because it gives you control over your life rather than living in fear.
Look for a quite place alone, with a pen and a paper write down what you thought your mission in life and the things you have done and seemed easy to do and enjoyed doing them. You always found people complimenting you and it seemed natural for you doing them and mistakenly that everyone is capable of doing them.
Next, discover the talents and gifts that give you power to do the things you have easily been doing that nobody else can do what you have been doing. They are unique and special to you in particular.
Make them part of you because your life purpose is all about. Many people have thought that. If you want to discover your life purpose is a hard work, I can agree because it is the opposite. It is a hard work to live your comfort zone and by faith pursue your life purpose.
There is one last point I would like to make about recognizing your purpose. More often than not, people have difficult getting focused on what it is they are put on this planet to do because they are already doing something day in day out that exhausts their time and in the end, feel they are on the right track because they are covering most of their bills. Just because you have a 9 to 5 obligation and your bills are getting paid doesn’t mean that you have figured out your true purpose. This fact however can often block or impede your progress toward that better and higher use of your time and talents.

Let this not overwhelm you because once you step out o your comfort zone is when you discover how foolish things you were doing before and you wish you had discovered earlier. Some people get stuck and are afraid or reluctant to make a move because they just can’t see how their purpose will pay the bills. Furthermore they have been programmed form infancy to believe it is better to be safe than sorry.

In this context I mean it is not better to be safe than sorry, but picturing yourself reaching the end of the road, do you think you will be happy because you had a safe journey but you regret that never did the things you dreamed of in life.

What will happen when you leave you current status and pursue your life purpose there are sacrifices you have to make in order to have anything good in life. And this is what scares most of the people not to pursue their purpose in life. But remember you can’t get to the top unless you leave the bottom and this applies to every facet of life. Think of the people who are looking for a new relationship but they still haven’t let go of the old one. Look at the people starting diet programs who cant give up their morning cream cheese.

What would you sacrifice in order to move into a new life? In order to obtain your dream. You are not going to endanger you life or the lives of those around you. You are not going to give up your health. But you might give up something you enjoy as a pastime or hobby or watching TV to devote more time to creating this dream of yours. Now start today to do what you truly love

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Monday, September 1, 2008

What lessons can we learn from the Wright brothers?

Orville and Wilbur Wright were brothers who knew how to practice on how to fail. They knew the risks before them but they saw them as not risky. They knew they were going to fail so they found a very safe piece of ground to fail on. They did not jump off edges or cliffs but found a large flat piece of ground with a good strong wind, and practiced until the day they would fly.
While the rest of the world saw objectively that what they were doing was impossible. The Wright brothers subjectively saw a possibility in the mind and the thoughts were being manifested which would finally bring reality into place and that is why most of the time when you share an idea which has not manifested and you get discouraged by the people whom you have shared with. If you are convicted that it is a noble idea don’t stop because for them is beyond their reality and always measure their views and the position they are as per see. This practice has killed very many ideas which would be helpful in the world today.
Because of the willingness of the Wright brothers to attempt the impossibility they changed the world forever. They stretched their mode of reality and made the impossible to be possible. They spend many years working on making the possibility a reality

How did they make it possible?

They went into the future to make human fly, which was the ideal thing for them and it fascinated them. That made them act as from the perspective of their present life. This goes to those of us who think that it is impossible to have financial abundance, good relationship, happy marriage, successful career and the rest simply because your past was bad and the present is also in turmoil which makes you give up and curse why you were born.

The Wright brothers knew that nobody ever flown at that time and neither they had done it but they accepted the responsibility of everything but did what we call creative observation whereby they would see the ideal flying in the future but act as if it has happened and continue working towards the reality. The case here is that you can’t deny the situation because it is you who created it, but must take the responsibility and improve the situation. Thus the Wright brother practiced failing in order to fly. Practicing failing was creative observation because for us we think it was failing forward but slowly they were improving the situation until it became a reality. We can also apply the same principle by accepting the marriage is in turmoil, you luck money, and you don’t love your current work.
Creative observation.

When you accept your current situation, then bring the picture of the ideal situation you want to have in the future, having your own business maybe, getting a job you love, having a fulfilling marriage. What are the things this ideal situation has that my current situation don’t have, list them down, and start acting on them one after the other step by step and put a target and am not promising that it will be an easy job but it call for self-discipline which might be hard for you but fail forward as the Wright brother and within a certain period weight the situation and see whether there is improvement reward yourself and continue enjoying the process. Do this and send me an email.

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