Sunday, September 7, 2008

How to be money conscousness.

Everyone who has sen active service in war knows that the cure to fear is to do forced repetition of acts of courage. Having a money consciouness is not something you are born with but something mastered through persitent of wil-power whereby you apply all of the rules unil their appllication becomes fixed habit in you,the wight someone can master weight lifting until he becomes a champion.
Those who have mastered the habit of persistence seem to enjoy abundance of money in their lives and bountifully rewarded. It is not something not meant for few,but is accessible to everyone who is ready to pay the dues,am not promising that is very easy. But with constant development finally one can master it and enjoy the benefits.
You can train yourself to be money conscious
Money is attracted to the one whose mind is favourable as poverty is attracted to the mind has been deliberately prepared to attract it. Therefore to have alot of money is the state of mind and nothing else and it can be developed upon definate causes as shown.
Definate of purpose: how much do want to earn at the end of the month,year, and so on. It should be well written,so that you can see every now and then. Can you have a strong will to overcome difficualties to achieve it.
Strong desire: you must have a driving force behind the amount of money you want to earn in your life,do you see worthy of the money,are you admiring the lifestlye of the people who have the money you want to have.
Plan: you must sit and look at the current situation you are in and draw a plan on how you want to earn the amount of money you want. Let us say you want to earn $10,000 per month. Then you have to ask yourself what are some of the acivities i need to do so that i can reach these goal,if then am i doing them. When i evaluated my money consciousness. I discovred the activities i was doing would not make me have the money i wanted ,so i have to redefine everything.
Will power: you must understand that once you recognize that the current activities are not empowering and cannot help you generate the amount of money you want and you have drawn a different plan to help you achieve your financial status, you must surmon the courage to face the current reality and cultivate a new one ,and all these need a will power. Without will power you will remain the same and continue wishing for the rest of your life.
Habits: once you recognize the new opportunities and sure that they shall garantee you the income that you want. Then you must develop daily habit which are congruent to the person you want to have,meaning you must drop habit that have inconguencies in you life and bring in new one. It will not be easy but if you do it repeated finally you will reap the benefits. Once i recognised that if i wanted to be more productive i must wake up at 3.00am in the morning and start working, you think it was an easy thing. But having knowledge that this thing is for my own good i just persisted and you cannot be persisted if you dont love something.

For sure if we have knowledge of the above, i want to assure you that you will achieve the financial status you wanted or earn the amount of money you have been enevying in your life.

posted by HESBON at

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