Tuesday, September 9, 2008


There are three types of invetors in the world. It can be money,time,education,love etc and they are
People who do not invest at all
People who invest but are not ready to lose
People who invest for a win-win formula

The first group of people are always negative and they see nothing but negative situations,circumstances,opportunities and they think ,they were born unlucky and they wish to do die. Helping a person like this to change his perception is hard work.

There is also a second class of people who dont want to lose anything and they want to play safe. They have saver’s mentality to everything. A small thing will prevent them not taking risk at all. They pretend to love someone with all heart but deep down in the heart they act out of fear. They keep money in the bank account hoping it will grow but dont want to put it into use. They go back to school to get another degree for a pay rise but not starting his own business. They are always too cautiosly and will always take media information as a sacred information. This kind of people if they raise their awareness can be useful people at large.

The third group of people and the last one is the group which have raised their awareness and are conscious about themselves and can lose everything. They are ready to explore and venture into new realms because they know that is the place where there is opposrtunities and are not ready to stay in their comfort zone. They are always willing to study more, want more control of themselves and invest for higher returns.

posted by HESBON at

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