Saturday, September 27, 2008

The happiest person is the one who constantly brings forth and practises what is best in himself or herself.

are fear or worry holding you back? let is remember that fear s just a thought in the mind. why do i let it to put me down, many of the times i only imagine the situation before it even happens. for example are you having a relationship but feel that you partner might be cheating you or are you married and feel that your spouse is being unfaithful to you. i want to tell you today that you are 100% correct and nobody should condemn you,why do i support you many people will start dismissing me now but come on let us continue. in fact by you dismissing me you are also right and am also right. so what is the issue now. the issue is that can the answer i have be helpful to me and to those people around me. am i having peace and happiness and if not then what am thinking is not correct when it is observed from outside and this is the one blocking me from achieving happiness in my life.
the happiest person is the one who constantly brings forth and practises what is best in himself or herself. happiness and virtue compliment each other. not only are the best the happiest, but the happiest are usually the best in the art of living life successfully. for example i know of a lady who shared with me on how she taught her man was cheating her and constantly she taught about it. this came about after she listened to a conversation in the office from the fellow workmates who taught that men cheat and they also confirmed that they had evidence,so she also started following up the man to see whether he was cheating her, and you know she attracted everything by having only a thought and you know what, when we shared i told her that she should face the man and get the honest answer before she would think about anything. afterwards she came and shared and told me that there was nothing everything was only fear in the mind.
there is one important thing to remember about being happy. we must sincerely desire to be happy. there are people who have been depressed,dejected, and unhappy so long that they suddenly made happy by some wonderful good,joyous news. many people choose unhappiness without realizing that they are doing so. they do so by entertaining such ideas as these:
today is a black day,everything is going to go wrong
i am not going to succeed
everyone is against me
i m always late
i never get the breaks
he can, but i cant
if you have this attitude of mind the first thing in the morning,you will attract these experiences to you and you will be very unhappy. begin to realize that the world you live in is determined by what goes on in your mind. the thou hgt you habitually entertain in your mind have a tendency to actualize themselves in physical conditions. Ralpho Waldo Emerson said " a man is what he thinks all the day long" remember you experience nothing outside your own mentality.

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