Thursday, September 25, 2008

what is the cause of breakups in relationship? is it the money itself or the belief about money.

Are you in a marriage where your spouse is not ready to discuss with you openly about money? do you fight regularly because of money? or are you intending to breakup because of money? you are not alone. it is happening everywhere. allow me to discuss with you what saved my marriage and how come i discovered it.The biggest reason behind the fights people have about money.
it doesn't matter how much money you have or don't have. the bottom line is that, there is a root which is very fundamental about money. each of you grew differently and have different fundamental belief towards money which you sacredly inherited from you parents or those people who brought you up . and this will have a great impact on both of you,because you will like your spouse to adopt your beliefs too and also would like you to to adopt his or her beliefs towards money. this goes to married people,dating couples,family relationship and even business associates. this key here is to recognize that you are dealing with inherited beliefs about money.
rather than feeling bad why this are not working the way you wanted them. you can start by recognizing that your partner's belief about money is not the same as yours. instead of getting upset,choose understanding. do your best to find out what is important to your partner in the area of money an identify his or her motivations and fears. doing this way you will be dealing with the the root instead of the fruits and are on you way working towards having a smooth relationship
steps towards changing. personal experience
This is what i did after i found out that what i was dealing was not the cause towards money . i openly asked my wife if we can discuss the history of each other, of what we heard about money when we were you, what was the reactions towards money in each other's family and what it really means right now now to each other.
from there we created a list of these attitudes with regard to money and success. then we appreciated each other how we grew up and agreed that the modeling had many flaws which is making our relationship crumpling down. we now agreed as partners to create a new list of attitudes and the actions we shall both live by. we wrote it down,we didn't type but used our own handwriting and posted in our bedroom to read every morning and evening and wherever we drift away from them we would remind each other of our commitments and i have seen it working well. now we saved our not saying this what you need to do, but if you see it can work practise it,there are several ways in which you can go about to change your fundamental beliefs and even some your taught by your religion. what we are discussing here is not what is ideal,but what can work for both of you and empower you to live in harmony with each other rather than putting yourselves down,you are there for one another. what do you think?

posted by HESBON at

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