Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The journey to your purpose in life

Many of us we are living a life, where we don’t know where we are coming from and where we are going. Good for those who discover their purpose in life and effectively live to serve to the fullest. Discovering your purpose in life is a process and you need some guidelines to give you a sense of direction to clarify your purpose. And as it becomes clear, then commit yourself wholeheartedly to pursue it.
The following is a guideline I followed to discover my dream in life which is a purpose. Many other times we have ever lived doing our purpose but ignorantly, the best times comes when you pursue it knowingly because it gives you control over your life rather than living in fear.
Look for a quite place alone, with a pen and a paper write down what you thought your mission in life and the things you have done and seemed easy to do and enjoyed doing them. You always found people complimenting you and it seemed natural for you doing them and mistakenly that everyone is capable of doing them.
Next, discover the talents and gifts that give you power to do the things you have easily been doing that nobody else can do what you have been doing. They are unique and special to you in particular.
Make them part of you because your life purpose is all about. Many people have thought that. If you want to discover your life purpose is a hard work, I can agree because it is the opposite. It is a hard work to live your comfort zone and by faith pursue your life purpose.
There is one last point I would like to make about recognizing your purpose. More often than not, people have difficult getting focused on what it is they are put on this planet to do because they are already doing something day in day out that exhausts their time and in the end, feel they are on the right track because they are covering most of their bills. Just because you have a 9 to 5 obligation and your bills are getting paid doesn’t mean that you have figured out your true purpose. This fact however can often block or impede your progress toward that better and higher use of your time and talents.

Let this not overwhelm you because once you step out o your comfort zone is when you discover how foolish things you were doing before and you wish you had discovered earlier. Some people get stuck and are afraid or reluctant to make a move because they just can’t see how their purpose will pay the bills. Furthermore they have been programmed form infancy to believe it is better to be safe than sorry.

In this context I mean it is not better to be safe than sorry, but picturing yourself reaching the end of the road, do you think you will be happy because you had a safe journey but you regret that never did the things you dreamed of in life.

What will happen when you leave you current status and pursue your life purpose there are sacrifices you have to make in order to have anything good in life. And this is what scares most of the people not to pursue their purpose in life. But remember you can’t get to the top unless you leave the bottom and this applies to every facet of life. Think of the people who are looking for a new relationship but they still haven’t let go of the old one. Look at the people starting diet programs who cant give up their morning cream cheese.

What would you sacrifice in order to move into a new life? In order to obtain your dream. You are not going to endanger you life or the lives of those around you. You are not going to give up your health. But you might give up something you enjoy as a pastime or hobby or watching TV to devote more time to creating this dream of yours. Now start today to do what you truly love

posted by HESBON at

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