Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Why do many people invest in real estate?

Many people in the world today are running towards investing in the business of real estate even those without a skill and they are all over places,talk of New york,London,Australia,Canada,Dubai,China,etc. Ask a person why are you investing in this business of real estate, then he will tell that this is the business with big cash flow,amortization,leverage,depreciation,where you use your creaticity, predictability and all those terms used in the real estate but to me even though i have not started investing in the real estate i see as a direction to go in the future not because of the above reasons but because real estate is slow business as personal development.
Since i started raising my awareness to personal growth i realised that developing your consciusness is not an overnight thing but a gradual process which takes time to reach the state that you wanted in life,rather than the quick fix easy growth have heard and being promoted over the web that you can use one method and it brings alot of changes in life within days,but are those changes long lasting let us be realistic. We are creatures of habits and for one to adopt into a change you need to spend time into somehing and practise it over and over again for you to realise the good results.
Warren buffet an example
Warren Buffet is famous for talking about the intrinsic value of a stock. While many people parrot or try to mimmic Mr. Warren is words rarely do they understand what he means by saying intrinsic value. Once you understand intrinsic value,you may better understand why some investors make much money than others. You can also realize that you can fnd intrinsic value even in personal development,real estate other than the stock which is an area for warren buffet.
Intrinsic value in personal growth
Let me explain intrinsci value using personal growth as an example since it is my area too and it is a field which anyone is involved even those who are in the stock,real estate and etc. Many investors are addicted to watching the market go up or down. Their days gets off to a good start if the price goes down. That is not what warren Buffet does. While the price of an asset is important it is not something he watch on a daily basis as many investors do. Warren pays close attention to price when he buys a business. After that,he really is not concerned if the share price is going up or down. Nor does he care if the stock market is opened or closed. He does not play the stock market as most investors do.
First of all,warren buffet does not just own stocks. He owns business. Secondly what in really essence warren buffet looks at a business is a well managed business that grow more valuable overtime which means appreciating with time.
Back to personal growth perspective
As many self-proclaimed gurus promises you overnight growth in the personal development,can we have warre buffet in the personal development industry who understands intrinsic value that personal growth is a compounding value which in other words accelerate in value with time. When you invest time to develope your consciuoness you will not be concerned of the ups and down and why you are not getting the real results and get disappointed and maybe curse yourself but once you become more conscious of the benefits of the personal growth that is the price of it. The rest shall come to pass.

What does it mean to become more conscious? We can define it as the progressive realization of conscious mastery over the our mind. Whereby it includes the following.
making careful,intelligent and deliberate decisions
maintaining a positive emotional state regardles of circumstances
developing empowering beliefs while doing away with the disempowering one
guarding your thoughts,emotions and behaviours
being focused on the important matters and leaving the rest out
growing an effective mode of reality

all the above skills can be learn compounding with time and over the course of one’s life will prove significant than anything learned anywhere. The benefits can be outlined below which comes with an intrinsic value of developing our consciuos mind.
Ø Increased self awareness- this will enable you to succeed in your underaking because you understand your capabilities more accurate than before. You are able to notice your strenghts and weakness and can also help you uderstand other people as well.
Ø Problem solving- developing our consciousness will be a great tool at problem solving,especially where there’s a large set of relevant information to choose from. For example marital problems is a good example. The more conscious you are the better you can understand all the details of the problem and the more mental power you can use to solve the problem.
Ø Emotional understanding- as you develop your consciousness you are able to gain control over your emotional state. With practise you can learn to mantain a positive emotional state regardles of extenal circumstances. By feeling good and acting from within that framework, you’ll gradually relaease the sources of negativity from your life and replace them with positive ones.
Ø Better relationships-developing your consciuosness will help you begin communicating naturally and effortlessy,whether with strangers or old friends. People will seem less threatening and will want to connect with you. Human interaction will just seem to make a lot more sense. Your deeper understanding of the people will boost your confidence in social situations as well.
Ø Gain sel-discipline- many problems which seem challenging can easily be overcome with sufficient self discpline. For the disciplined mind,these problems are almost trivially easy to solve. But without sufficient self-discipline,frustration and failure is more likely outcome.
Ø Better health and keeping fit- you will develop more conscious eating,exercise and health habits. Will always be out trying what works best for you. You will know that you do have a physical body an its health will have a significant impact on your life. So accept the responsibility and take care of the body.
Ø Improved financial abundance- by keeping your thoughts focused on what you want and by conditioning financial abundance beliefs you will attract more money into your life and this will enhance your ability to create more value to people

Just decide to have an intrinsci value in your consciusness and you will have great benefits in your life.

posted by HESBON at

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