Sunday, September 21, 2008

When you deny your problems, you turn away from truth

Life has no other discipline to impose,if we would butrealize it, than to accept life unequestioningly. Everything we shut our eyes to, everything we run away from,everything we deny,denigrate or despise,serves to defeat us in the end. What seeems nasty, painful ,eveil,can become a source of beauty,joy and strenght, if faced wth an open mind. Every moment is a golden one for him who has th vision to recognize it at such.- henry miller

Yes, we all struggle,day in day out. However,some people simply manage the challenges better than others and are thereby able to expend their energies on winning rather than merely enduring the undetected. Scud missiles that come out of nowhere,that is threating their well plans. Although all of us face these trials, it seems that some people have advantage over others.

We may not see the sweet harvest coming after the bitter planting. The only certain about life is that it will change if we keep on. So many of life’s hardship derive their power from the unexpected timing of the punch that catches us off guard. For you to create a life of your choosing. It is not for me to say what that life should look like, but i’ll do my best to help you figure it out.

No matter how faith-filled ,how financialy responsible, how politically correct you are,or how congenial you may be with others,you will find yourself from time to time facing times that threatens and leaves us with alot of problems and that is when you must ask yourself whether you accept the problem or deny it.

When you deny your problems, you turn away from truth. The lies you tell yourself spawn more lies,infecting your mind with falsehood that weave themselves into your identity. You become disconected from your true self, living as a mere shadow of the being you were meant to be.

posted by HESBON at

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