Thursday, July 31, 2008

To succeed in life is like being in a soccer game, which part are you playing

As I was growing up I got interested with playing soccer, which was believed to be a boy’s game in our society at that time. I played up to a national level during the school’s competition in our country Kenya and it is one of the games which we played with a lot of passion.

I remember we would gather together and play it since morning. During the weekends we used to go nearby stadium. Which was Gusii stadium and watch Shabana play AFC Leopards from Nairobi. It was very interesting game. We were regarded young and growing up we never paid entry fee and simply squeezed ourselves inside as small children. Right now many people are enthusiastic for the English soccer and you would hear them talk of Man U, Arsenal and such. For me I lost interest long time ago because I didn’t want to build myself into a soccer fanatic, whereby you will stay up long hours to watch the soccer.mmmmh I don’t know whether my wife will allow me to watch it now! That is a topic for next time.

Being a player or fan, both are interesting because, there is something you learn. Why do I say so, when you are a player you are playing the real game but being a fan you are a virtual player and that is why you find a player missing scoring everyone becomes angry. Because in their heads already they had scored and when you don’t fulfill it they get disappointed.

Then the other day I was thinking how this game can teach something about life lessons. Collectively if we understand soccer then we can apply it to develop our lives. Ask anyone who is a player they would tell you when you want to play; there are basic rules which must be followed in order to play well. For example you need to exercise a lot to keep fit. You must eat a health diet more sore the one which boost energy in your body. You have to always watch accomplished teams to pick and learn tact used for scoring. Your team must have a mentor who is called a coach and many times you have to stay in the camp for team building.

The above are basic rules which any team have to follow to be an accomplished team. And if you have a good coach who will teach you skills and pattern to use while playing against an opponent, you will be a respected and watched after team. In the field you have a goal keeper, who makes sure no ball passes through, then the defense, midfielders and the striking force. It is up to the coach to know how many defenders should be there, midfielders, strikers and the playing pattern.
Mostly what helps the team to succeed is the coordination, because if you have good strikers but the defense is weak definitely you can’t win the game. Therefore all areas must be balanced and well coordinated and sometimes you might have good players but if they don’t coordinate also, also not winning.

This personal development industry is simply like playing soccer, why instead of playing as a team of 12 players, you have a personal team which is making you to be a conscious person. That is the body, mind, heart and spirit which are playing in a wider consciousness. For us to succeed in life ,we must learn basic rules like exercising to keep the body fit, eating diet food to boost the energy and keep the body going, developing our skills and discovering the inborn talents and gifts, recognizing where we love playing for example me a loved to be a goalkeeper. So you also know where you really love to play, whether to be a goalkeeper like I used, the defence, striker, the point is to listen to your heart and follow.
The last but not least is to recognize that we have a coach who is understanding and better skilled than we are and in this case of life it is God. He created, he know our strength and weakness and must know the purpose he has for us which is to serve one another and He is the one coordinating everything and we must listen to Him. We must understand that this game of life like the soccer analogy we cant play alone and we must coordinate with others in order to succeed and the most important point is that the larger team is our consciousness and as for the team which stays in the camp we are incorporated in the large consciousness to play and therefore we are as one team (consciousness).

What have happens if we don’t recognize that we are as a team, definitely we shall fail as individuals and make the team to fail as a whole and this is why we are having a lot of problems in the world like poverty, diseases, war, terrorism because many have not recognized that we are in a larger consciousness and all suffer instead. And that is why if there is war, it affects everyone. For example recently in the months of December 2007, and January 2008, Kenya had post election war because people taught the election was not done fairly and resolved to physical of killing one another, and it affected everyone including those who taught it would not affect them. The same case with terrorism, it affected the whole world.

If we recognized that we are a team and follow the basic rules for individuals and recognize that we have control over ourselves definitely life would be a better place to be.
The question remains can one person bring a change, let’s say me have an impact, I want to say strongly that it is possible if we continue raising our awareness and affect one another even if in a small way and as a goals keeper or a striker I can say I did my part and we lost as a team and not as an individual. It is up to you now!

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Don’t settle for bones go for the meat

Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Many people in the world keep dogs, maybe for security or for fun. The use doesn’t matter for now because it all depends, for me we kept many as we were growing up here in Africa, Kenya. We loved them so much because they provided security to our home. Many times we believed the dog would alert us if anything happened, for example if a thief came stealing the dog would bark and make us prepare to hunt the culprit. This went long but thieves became clever when it came to stealing, once they realized that people kept dogs to prevent them from stealing.

They also devised a way to curb the whole thing. They studied what dogs loved and found out it was given bones to eat. For them went for the loveable one, they would go and come with the steak and not bones. Once they wanted to steal, they could throw the steak at the dogs and since the dogs had missed the meat so much. They would take attention to the meat and forget the role had put to play and the thieves would walk away with whatever they came to steal.

I know many people would think why keep a dog to give you security, but as I said earlier it depends on the purpose you want to tame the dog for. One thing I learnt from this experience is that, many people think dogs love eating bones but one thing we also forget is that they love the steak which man love so much and only settled for bones because they don’t have any other alternative.

If they had power to make a choice on what to take, I want to assure you that no dog would go for bones but would scramble for the steak. What lesson can we learn from here and what can we teach ourselves. Have you settled for mediocre life or spectacular life? It doesn’t mean that since no one from your area had ever lived good life, you also want to settle for the same.

We are not like dogs to accept anything but we are beings who were created with a purpose and that purpose is to be unique and different so that we can be of service to one another. How many times have we settled for a certain career which is not fulfilling but since it is paying well and you don’t have any other alternative you just keep on? It is high time we follow what the heart is talking about and quit to do what we where meant to be.

Somebody will say but I have gone far with this job, relationship, marriage, career and etc. how can I quit to start a fresh. But do you ask yourself how long you are going to feel gloomy with lack of enthusiastic and with lack of motivation. Do you find yourself waking every morning happy with full of energy. Do you feel that you are contributing with your unique talents and skills to service of man?
Are good intentions enough? Or do you actually need some talent?
Why do many decide to get with their current status even if it is unfulfilling? The reason might be because first of all they didn’t know how they found themselves their. It might be because it was the order of the day. Like what am getting here in Kenya people rushing to follow what is the hottest thing in town without any precaution. And sometimes you might have been forced by your parents to do and they think if they stop it their parents will be disappointed. What is the best thing to do? To follow your heart or stay there to impress someone.
Doing what your heart wants which is passion is the most intelligent choice you can make because you will never live in regrets for the rest of your life.
Many times when you don’t jump into the social conditioning bandwagon you will be taken as a person following failure in life. A friend of mine asked me one day why I was holding on to following my heart and yet I can easily get a job and start living a big life.
To him living big means getting a job even if a job is not full filling, you see I would not give an explanation what I was after, because all of us were reading from different scripts.
You might be misunderstood but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are following your heart desire. Am not saying you don’t listen to advices but make deliberate decisions which are in line which your purpose in life.

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The courage to do things we think we cannot do in life.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, "I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along." You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

What is it that you loved doing while, you were growing up. The other day I was watching my 4 year old son on his adventurous behavior in the house. It was very interesting for me to watch him, move around the house being Very enthusiastic and happy about anything.
Whatever he taught in the mind, he would make it happen immediately. Like now I watched him take the sofa set cushions and started building a house. Then he asked me daddy can you can and we sleep together in my house. You see me I know what is happening with him. In my mind I know this is not a house which he had built but he only playing.
Since I didn’t want to disappoint him, I would just accept reluctantly in order to play caring father attitude. But deep down in my heart I was asking myself, how is this kid seeing and imagining in his mind, is there a possibility that he is visualizing about the house or is something else.
Then intuitively I would think ok , the fact is we were created and empowered with creativity in our mind . this kid might be exercising creativity in his consciousness, so that whatever we can think of coming up it is possible that it will be manifested in our lives., in fact everything start with a thought . That is why this kid in his context. He has seen houses and in his mind would want to make one but unique according to his own caliber.
We are unique on our own.
I imagine if everyone would release his unique talents and skills and we stop living other people’s lives. Then this thing like competition and such like would not be experienced. We have this creation like competition existing because we have allowed it as a thought to dominate and everyone is accepting it as the truth but in essence is somebody who came up of with the idea of competition and sold to one another.
So when a child is born, he come full set to fulfill his innovation and creativity but as he grows and surrounded with people who have given up in life. We start teaching him our wrong philosophies and beliefs and since the mind absorbs anything, finally he ends up being like one of us. It is a rare case to find a kid who has grown up and start fighting against the beliefs he has been taught and he becomes on his own.
My journey.
I chose to be belief in myself since I was young and I will never want to be influenced by anyone at all. I would want to test something before I follow it and I will never follow something blindly at such. I don’t know how I came to find myself in that because mostly I have ever see many of my friend and those have associated with being influenced in one way or another. Am not boasting or trying to convince anyone that this is what happened because in some instance I have ever made a wrong choice which I came to regret later alone.
Accepting the price
What am trying to say is that, whatever decision had made, I had to be aware that am responsible for the outcome. For example I would take my studies serious against the wish of my peer group friends and the outcome was a benefited because I sailed and passed very well while in primary and also I didn’t choose to take my studies seriously while in secondary what happened is that I didn’t pass well. I chose to marry at a young age against the wish of my parent but what was the outcome, it is 3 years now since I married and am going strong. So what is the point here, being yourself doesn’t mean you are going to be right but it will give you an opportunity to exercise the choice we were given when created.
Paying your dues
When you know that it is you who made the decision you are not going to blame anyone but yourself. Consciously you are aware that I made this decision and have to live with it. When I made the decision to follow what am doing now which is blogging and writing and experiencing personal growth, many of my friends and even my wife never understood what kind of area I was venturing on to.
Because personal discovery is not common here in Africa and more sore where I come from Kenya. Personal development has been left to religion and it something practiced once a week, Saturday or Sunday depending on your religious affiliation and the day of worship. The decision I made is start I will pursue what my heart tells me and I will always try new things even if I fail. When I started blogging I didn’t know how to go about it, but I just began, right now the steps have gone I feel am growing. where I will be is unlimited.

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

How to be grateful about anything

“Your thoughts are the tools with which you carve your life story on the substance of the universe. When you choose your thoughts, you choose results.”
Imelda Shanklin

We know that everything we put attention and emotional energy on, good or bad, will eventually show up in our lives. The universe, and our subconscious mind, don’t know good from bad, and they treat fear and enthusiasm exactly the
Same. If we’re putting energy on it, we’re placing an order for it.

Wallace Wattles say it connects us with the Source: “You cannot exercise much without gratitude because it is Gratitude that keeps you connected with power. The creative
Power within us makes us into the image of that to which we give our attention. The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best; therefore it will receive the best.”

Do you see what he is saying? If we are grateful about everything, we are focusing on what we want. It’s a way of making sure we are putting the highest possible positive energy on our desires, and withholding energy from the doubts and fears that we don’t want. For example I never knew that I should be grateful with what I have before I start attracting new things that I ever wished to have in my.

It’s important, then, to be putting positive energy on what we want, not negative energy (fear, worry) on what we don’t want. Gratitude is so important because it is a very high energy positive vibration of thought. It is powerfully attractive!

How sad do we live our lives wishing we had this and that, while you cannot be appreciative that you have whatever you have right now. How much time do we see someone wishing he had a car, and then he would be the happiest person on earth. And when you look at this person he is not being grateful that he has two legs which someone else somewhere doesn’t have. If you start being grateful with what you have, like the two legs we have talked about you will send positive towards which will enable you to detect means which you can use to get the car you wanted.

Most of the time I think the reason behind us not getting what we really is that we are not living according to the purpose we were meant to serve on earth, because if we really were serving according to our purpose for example if our purpose was to help people grow and be aware of themselves. You will be grateful that you have whatever its which is enabling to add value to human service and more opportunities will be opened for you to reach for more people because your service is needed somewhere and what happens you will automatically think of a car for faster movement.
Now let us be grateful with what we have which is helping us to fulfill our purpose on earth.

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How we mistake goals to be our life purpose.

“The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what it is one’s destiny to do, And then do it.”
(Henry Ford)

Let us be honest, that discovering our purpose in life is a gradual growth thing rather than overnight thing. I have been ardent follower of purpose discovery industry in line with being successful in life for almost a decade now, misunderstanding and understanding.
Continuing discovering my purpose misunderstanding.
Indirectly here means, that my heart always followed this self-discovery because wherever I had someone was talking about how to make it in my life, I would love and also fall in love to listen to it which wanted to know my purpose in life. I felt that deep down my heart this is the thing I really wanted to hear. I don’t know about you? I always loved how human being behaved and how we can be of great help to one another. Later I found myself reading articles written about discovering your purpose in life, I would feel wow this is where I would want to be, but because of the peer influence at that time I never made any decision about it yet.
Starting discovering my purpose understandingly.
Later I started seeing that this might be my calling and slightly allowed myself to pursue it by reading self-help books. I would buy any book as long as it would have a clue about how to discover your purpose in life.

Many whom their books and articles I red would tell me you have to maintain a positive attitude follow you heart, must have something you love about, follow your passion and you will achieve your desire in life, all things made me happy and I would always want to read and hear about it more and more.
The journey

You will find me very enthusiastic about what I was doing and I will tell people, guys if we want success let us have passion in our lives, and this was the time I had my computer business. So I will tell people this is my call in life to work in the business industry and I was called to train people to know how to use a computer.

Even I went ahead and came up with a direct vision; I call it direct in quotes in that this is how it said “by this year, I will have a university of my own”. Because I thought that was my calling, and I will pursue it diligently.
Then one day I asked a question which changed my perception to life and this question was based on purpose of my life. And you see a purpose is something which you were born to do in life within the service of human being which is adding value to your fellow beings. I looked at what I was doing and asked is this my purpose or my goal. You see you must have a purpose and then have a vision which leads to you having goals as a means of achieving your purpose in life. For example if your purpose is to help people grow, you must have goals on how you are going to affect this purpose.

You might be a speaker whereby you can have programs sharing with people on the subjects you are called according to your purpose in life and it maybe your mission is to create awareness in them you can discuss them over the radion, televion, forums, create a websites, write a book or use other means to reach people.

If you focus and build your goal you can own systems to fulfill you purpose in life. Through that some of the side effects of using those goals will lead to you creating training centres, publishing industry and as we have said if your purpose is to help people grow, you might see a need that people must be in good health for them to grow and this leads you to create a health centre to provide people with free advice and materials or at a low cost through that you are adding value to people at the same time growing yourself.

What we don’t know is that once we discover our life purpose whatever we bring to the service of human being will be new and you can’t fear that so and so is going to copy me or duplicate my means. Why fear because the way you understand goals is inline with the talents and gifts you were given for the service and it will never be found in any one. I have come to understand that people who are jealousy and have fear in their lives only occur because they have not understood their mission on life.

So they work from fear based instead of love based because they take goals to be purpose in life. Let us pursue to know our purpose and once you have the knowledge that your have unique things in you. You will create goals which are in line with your purpose. You will always want to love your human being and want to use your talents and gifts and even skills to serve them.
As you go through life, you don’t just pick up things you like doing by chance. You discover what you’re good at because you were meant to discover it, just as you were meant to figure out what your fingers do, and how your elbows work.

Your unique gifts are hardwired into your system just as surely as your lungs are given their blueprint to breathe. And it’s from these specific talents and gifts that you’re able to define and determine your definite purpose … the reason why you’re here. What’s in you? Cannot be found in another living human being. In fact, it’s quite possible that what
You bring to the table hasn’t been duplicated – ever – since time began. That’s right.

Some people have purpose of making people happy and they can achieve this by creating entertainment industries etc. the point here is to discover what you are good at and would love to do and create a business around it as a means of reaching them through the goals. So let us differentiate between having a purpose and having goals in our lives. To me goals bridges to assist us reach for our purpose in life. And goals can change but a purpose will never change.

You are always free to change goals if the means is not congruent with your purpose. Once I recognized that purpose was to motivate people to be aware of themselves, I saw that I was spending so much of my time building a training business which was only a means of achieving my purpose in life, and there I had to stop putting much of my time there an find other means of reaching purpose. When listened some of the goals I can use. I discovered that I can create a blog free of charge and still out of it I can earn an income to continue serving my purpose, which finally will read to me launching a website. I also discovered another means which was publishing articles, writing a book, giving speeches, having seminars and workshops. Wherever you discover your purpose in life, the means of serving it will never miss and since the world is evolving the means are really increasing which can be exchanged with money.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Can we achieve financial freedom with what we have at hand?

Before you embark on any path ask the question, does this path have a heart? If the answer is no, you will know it and then you must choose another path. The trouble is that nobody asks the question. And when a man finally realizes that he has taken a path without a heart the path is ready to kill him.- Carlos CastanedaFinancial freedom can only be achieved with what we have at hand, if we can manage our finances very well, we shall be mesmerized at how much money we spend to for unnecessary thing which doesn’t add value to our lives. Have we ever asked ourselves how much we spend buying something like sweet, that 5 shilling, imagine putting it somewhere like once a week, and how many weeks do we have per year, it is around 54 weeks or so. Simple math tells me 54 multiplied by 5 will make Kenyan shillings 260, this money will have made you create a very productive habit which will make you exit the rat race, which is in everyone.
Change our habits we shall create our beliefs
Many of us we are in the state we are today not because there is no money or flow of money but simply because of some habits we developed or inherited from our paents,friends,media or any other source, and this habits have led us to make them to be our beliefs. If we want to have a fulfilled life we don’t need to get a better job, earn a lot of money but change the way we do things which have led us to have a certain beliefs towards issues of life including health, money, career, etc.
Are these beliefs costing us?
Do you know because of certain beliefs we have towards health are costing us a lot of money inform of buying medicine and such. Start today and examine your life what is making you to have certain kind of diseases, I might not know but things like common cold which I normally see people going to chemist to buy medicine can be avoided by daily taking water and including vegetables in your meals. Cancer and other deadly diseases can easily be lowered by adopting a vegetarian meal, and when I mention of being a vegetarian many people will say, I stop eating meat are you crazy? Let me be crazy but ,it is not a must you eat meat, if its protein you want you can get form grain which cost less than the meat you are rushing for. I don’t want to attack your live but am only providing an alternative which can make us live a fulfilled life. If you see you are comfortable well keep up!.

The point I want to draw is that getting rich (rich here means, health, money, career, etc) is within your capability if you change your perception towards life, starting now.

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Monday, July 21, 2008

What do you think? This “purpose” is a serious business

“What at different story people would have to tell if they would adopt a definite purpose and stand by that purpose until it had time to become an all-consuming purpose.”
Napoleon Hill
Laws of Success

Today I trampled on an idea of having purpose in life rather than having none at all. I was reading an e-book,purpose,vision and goals by bob proctor and I was really inspired by his way he explained the subject of purpose, I got that the purpose is what we where meant to do on earth and always we will find ourselves doing whether we like or not because , all the time even if you are doing something which is taking you in the wrong direction still you will feel unhappy and unfulfilled and that led me to start to figure it in my life ,whether I have been leaning the ladder on the wrong wall all along.

One thing is that am being confident and having joy in my heart, am having a smooth relationship with my wife and the kid, am having joy doing the things that I love doing them purposely, oh it is wonderful to me now. Many of us go daily doing things which are not congruent with our purpose in life. We cannot discover our purpose in life with the same thinking we have now because it might have been programmed bad as you were growing up life.

It doesn’t matter how you think you arrived here on this planet or under whose direction the fact remains that each of us has specific talents and gifts that are uniquely coded within our own DNA. As you go through life, you don’t just pick up things you like doing by chance. You discover what you’re good at because you were meant to discover it, just as you were meant to figure out what your fingers do, and how your elbows work.

Your unique gifts are hardwired into your system just as surely as your lungs are given their blueprint to breathe. And it’s from these specific talents and gifts that you’re able to define and determine your definite purpose … the reason why you’re here. What’s in you? Cannot be found in another living human being. In fact, it’s quite possible that what
You bring to the table hasn’t been duplicated – ever – since time began. That’s right!

This “purpose” is serious business. If you fail to determine your definite purpose, everything else is wrong. It’s like working with a broken compass – you may think you’re going north, but you’re not. You’re not sure which direction you’re heading, so, you’re just wandering aimlessly. Without your purpose identified firmly in your mind, you will wander through life, never quite feeling that you’re “in the flow.” I say, then, that it’s imperative you recognize what it is you’re good at – what it is you really love to do.

Your purpose in this lifetime is to do the thing that you love. People will tell you they already know what they’re good at, and what they love to do most, but they’ll never earn
Money doing it. Whoever gave you THAT idea? When you’re sorting out your purpose, I don’t want you thinking about THAT non-issue at all. You can earn money at ANYTHING. Once you determine your general purpose and then have specific purpose in life ,which shall be the director of the general purpose in life. For example if you breakdown the general purpose into small specific purpose which will act as a guide, you shall have a purpose on the body which shall enable the body to function to the fullest, then specific purpose of the mind, heart and spirit.

The reason of having the specific purpose is that if you shall have the general purpose only .it will look vague and never make sense at all, but if you shall have specific purpose you shall know that you must purposely serve from all round meaning the body, mind, heart and spirit. In that if one is not serving you will always remain imbalance then miss having a fulfilled life.


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Sunday, July 20, 2008


Procrastination is a disease preventing so many people around the world from achieving things they wanted in life. Procrastination is the habit of putting tasks to the last minutes hoping there will be time for you to finish, it has been a major problem in both our career and our personal life. We normally find ourselves feeling stressed, full of resentment and guilt and this will only be symptoms of procrastinating things in our lives.

The cause of procrastination can normally be attributed with the association we create to it such as the feeling pain by doing something or feeling unpleasantness to the task you want to do. To overcome this, I can suggest that you reward yourself after finishing a task,so that wherever you think of finishing a task you remember that I am going to buy myself lunch and you will feel motivated to continue rather than feeling like postponing to another hour or day.
Sometime I will suggest that you take a full day off each week with no work and this idea I got it from the creation in the Bible whereby, God rested the seventh day after creating the world, and you will feel recharged and eager to start the following week. You will feel motivated and less likely to procrastinate having guaranteed yourself a day off.
The way we look at tasks can make as feel to procrastinate for example, and if you think that something have to be done. The mind will take as something you are forced to do and would want to put if off until the later date. If you know something is pleasing and it is the one you want to do, you will not have the opportunity of feeling to procrastinate it, therefore let us think that whatever we are scheduled to do is something we want to do rather than must have to do.
There are other people who really feel that they must finish a task and normally cant even clearly see all the steps that will lead to completion, what happens is that you will feel overwhelmed with that idea of finishing, but if you think of moving a step per step you will be able to finish a task and wonder whether it was you. For example if you want to start a business, you plan and even see the way towards it but cannot understand how you will get customers will make you want to procrastinate a lot, because you don’t want to fail and feeling failure will make one to procrastinate a lot.

If you just kick off in a small way maybe like creating a website which can’t cost you anything to make rather than registering a domain. Before long you would learnt a lot compared to a person who is waiting for condition to be favorable then begin. I hope we have learnt some ideas on how to overcome procrastination.

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How to embrace progressively your new career you love and let go

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.
- Dale Carnegie our

Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back, lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes (Isaiah 54:2 NIV)
As you progress through your true purpose in life, you may begin to feel disconnected between your current life situation and the one you envision moving towards. These two worlds may seem so different to you that you cannot mentally conceive of how to build a bridge between them. How can you balance the practical reality of taking care of your obligations like earning money to pay your bills, pleasing your boss, raising your family, and maintaining social relationships with people who can't appreciate what you're undergoing and the direction want to move towards? New fears may crop up related to this seemingly impossible shift. How will you support yourself? What will become of your relationships? Are you just deluding yourself?
What shall you do now the point is just Focus instead on independently beginning the process of manifesting the new found direction leading to your new vision and start from scratch as is it is a child who has been born? For example, suppose you currently work as a teacher of a high school and your courage tells you that you don’t find fulfillment and maybe you will eventually give up the work, and seeing yourself passionately preaching to inmates in a cell.
But you can’t fathom yourself as a teacher trying to preach to the prisoners and on top of that you can’t see yourself making a decent living in this new career, at least not quickly. There’s a big gap between this new vision and practical reality. So what do you do? My advice is that instead of trying to fill this gap, just start building your new vision completely from scratch in whatever time you have, even if it’s only 30 minutes a week. Keep doing your teaching career in high school, but in your spare time, go and preach in the prisons. Use your teaching techniques and skills you developed as high school teacher to begins speaking to inmates even if 5 to 10 of them per week in your 30 minutes. Make free handouts and literatures to be supplied to the prisons giving a world of encouragement. Don’t hide that you are a high school teacher, live passionately and continue developing the new you for a while.
Eventually what will happen is that once you have developed a skill in your new career and be able to support yourself from it, which you didn’t see at first. Just know that even the skill of teaching high school you didn’t master in one day, you had to get training, but at that time you were attracted to it for a wrong reason. But here you are full of passion and have something that you want to do that you will enjoy doing it.
Once the time has come that you feel you have mastered the courage and skill, you can peacefully let go your old career and focus your energy on the new one. Your passion for your new work will entually overwhelms your fear of letting go of your old source of anchorage. So instead of trying do had to change immediately into your new career, just start the process of changing progressively as you led go off the old one. Even if is just 2 minutes everyday it will eventually make a difference and eventually fills up most of your days. The most important thing is to start introducing it in your life right now even if initially you can do it in a small way.
No matter how difficult it may seem, make the choice to move courageously and don’t allow fear in you block from moving ahead. Dare to live to your dreams in you. Venture to the unknown zone and will enjoy that desires of the heart. Don’t die without embracing the daring adventure your life is meant to be. You may go broke. Failure and eve being rejected can meet you as you progress. Your relationship may go down but all are indicators that you are moving ahead. So go ahead and feel the fear, summon the courage to follow your dreams anyway.

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Can you discover your life purpose and live your life to the fullest

“When you were born you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die the world will cry as you rejoice”
Indian proverb

The question of having a purpose in life has created a great debate around the world, some saying you need to have a purpose while other disagreeing with it, but the point is that it is a personal choice to have a purpose or not. But is there any benefit you shall have when you shall a purpose or stay with none. as per now I will stand by saying that it is better to have a purpose in life than having as I said earlier it is personal choice and even now if don’t agree with me it is also a personal choice which you have.

So to begin with, life purpose has been given different definitions and understandings depending on one’s context, but for the sake of explaining my point here let me give you my definition on how I understand the life purpose and from there you can create yours too to direct you life.
My definition
Life purpose is what you must do and can passionately to provide contribution to human service. And here we need to understand that we were meant to be here to solve a problem and therefore nobody is here by accident and that is the reason why we are different form one another with unique t talents and skills so that we can bring happiness to one another in pursued for growth. So our life purposes must centre in this great theme of service, what we do must be in line with service which adding value to one another.

To drive the point home for example once you discover your life purpose let say you are there to help your self grow and help others to grow which is a life purpose you were created to do on earth, as your purpose. if you look the statement above it appear an appealing and unfulfilling, we need to go down and see how can we make it appealing and have an impact in our lives. Then we need to break it down into simple and achievable steps enabling us to have a sense of meaning into our lives which is our purpose, using the analogy of finding a destination in the world.

Let us say you staying in New York city in USA and want trace Nairobi, Kenya in Africa to visit there as a tourist. And from the heart you are convicted that you want to visit, you need to take action now, maybe go to the internet and search for the place, ask friends who have already visited the place for the direction or look at the directory, there are so many ways to find the direction. Then after knowing the place you must sit down and plan how to get Nairobi, Kenya:
• You have to budget, (financial status)
• know the whether condition of the place
• what kind of clothes to carry to the place,
• What kind of people will you find there when you reach there. This and many other planning you can make.

Life purpose discovery
Going back to our life discovery is that you have to plan and see what are the things you have that can enable you realize this purpose in life, you have the body, mind, heart, and the spirit. These are the tools to propel you to live your purpose in life.
The body
The body is the physical elements which assist you get your life purpose, you have the eyes,ear,nose ,the hand which enable you to fulfill the five senses of human being we have, the sense of touch,smell,hearing,taste and sight, and learn how to use them to develop you body to discover life purpose and since you use the physical body you need to eat in order to have energy to realize your purpose and survive, so money here is essential as a means to get some things in life.
Second you the mind and is the place where talents and skills are inhabited, each and every individual has talents and skills, some in born and others can be developed and learned, for example if your purpose t is to help people grow and you need to interact with them maybe by giving a speech and you don’t have a skill of giving a speech, you can develop it and master it to the level of competence.
The third aspect is what is that you want to do meaning what is your desire, what is it you are passionate about in that even if you do it freely, you don’t regret but would look forward to doing it for example once I discovered that I was passionate about motivating people and whichever place I will find myself I was talking about the human potential and capability and I will leave many challenged and that time I was unconscious about it and yet I was fulfilling my purpose because I would talk continuously for 24 hours for the topic without wearing down or feeling unmotivated. To you what are you passionate about and can do 24hrs clock.
The fourth aspect is what you should do with the passion you have now, to entertain yourself or to add value to the human service. The world is waiting for you to contribute; it needs your service, why do you want to die with the music in the heart. Do you have something which you are passionate about and want to contribute, come out boldy, nobody is like you and the difference you shall have will not match anyone except you alone.

When I found out I was passionate about sharing and motivating people on their potential, I didn’t look at myself that maybe I come from a Africa a continent which is regarded to be underdeveloped and so on. Or I am young at age, I just said I will start with what I had as I develop my skills along to reach many people in the world,

Right now am only having a blog hosted by a blogger but as I move by am having a fully website detailed with unique product which has never been found anywhere in any website because I know am unique. Now what is stopping you, discover you life purpose and start living consciously on earth.

posted by HESBON at

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008


">Every adversity, every unpleasant experience, every failure, carries with it the seed of an equivalent
My personal growth has really taken a new twist since I started learning to do what I love dong am attracting new things in my life, it is not a easy journey but its far rewarding than what I was doing before, right now am more focused to my goals than I was before, I can clearly look towards the next day than when I didn’t care about myself.

It’s so easy for us to fall into the pattern of working really hard on goals that we picked up through social conditioning but never really consciously chose. However, when we work on such goals, we often hit nothing but roadblocks until we figure out what it is we truly want.

One thing have noticed is that the more I become conscious the easy, am able to look back and say wow, is this how I have been thinking, elevating our thoughts should be progressively pursued if we can be able to solve problem which might look big right now as it is being said do what you love and everything else shall follow, it is just clear and to the point, because the thoughts you have are the one creating the reality you are seeing and if you want to see synchronicities being manifested in your life guard the thoughts you projects outwards.

Before then I used to think that, everyone who am meeting should be responsible of what am encountering right now, so I would go walking telling people of what am able to do, what have achieved in my life, my projects which were pilling to be accomplished, not knowing that I was only projecting my thoughts to the which at long last we come back to me either way and instead of helping them to see that they are capable, I would only create in congruencies which will bring disharmony and we would not go along with people.

Consequences of mixing friendship with business story
There is man I hired when I was having my computer training business, we used to be friends back the time I was in college, he was taking theology and I was taking a degree in network communication systems for a short period before I dropped out, back then I loved being a Christian, I was born a seventh day Adventist family, and accepted the belief of the church, so sometimes I would participate in lay preaching even though I was not trained in that.
So I left this guy to continue with education because him he had sponsorship,so me I have no option because my uncle who was paying for my school fees stopped and instead employed me in his computer school to assist him for a while before he threw me out, for me to have nothing and that is when I started the training business with the little experience I had because that was my mode of reality, I never figured out to start anything more than that.
I was with this business for three years, married while with the business and because my wife got a Job in a different city far from where we were, it became difficult for me to operate, so I had to figure out whether to close the business and relocate or to employ a manager and delegate duties to him. After discussing with my wife we concluded the latter is ok. So this guys was here and I felt is an opportunity for me to not only create a job but to give him experience since he was fresh from college after finishing his masters in international business development.
In my mind I was clean and my motives were ok, but never that this guys despite of him being a minister had bad motives to take over my business, when I was a way he would tell everyone that he has opened business and now want to make money and even started tampering with college documentation but thank I stepped in faster and realized that what I was doing there was no systems in place. I was just shared my business ideas which someone would pick them and use them has his.
Lessons learnt
Right now when I look back then I see I have really grown in my experience and my path of entrepreneur lesions. If I would have not accommodated this guy to my business I would have not learnt the lesson I got. ‘Every adversity, every unpleasant experience, every failure, carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit’. Nothing comes inform of failure that appear like a stumbling block but in it carries a great benefit it. This enabled me and helped me when I launched my personal development business in did not choose to follow social conditioning but follow my heart, and what I love doing as long as it adds value to me and fellow human being that was what I really wanted to do in life. My life has new percepectives, am more confident now, more happy, new friends are coming to my life who are happy and focused.

Now have learnt that just concentrate on working on your self and creating awareness in yourself and others, later I stopped continuing working on the training business which I felt was not congruent with my strengths and instead work on something which I loved working and which I was doing as part time in my free time, and said what if I take this things I love doing and make them full time and money and other things shall take care of themselves, am almost 12 months down the road since I took it on a full time basis and 4 month since I launched this blog, but even if I doesn’t earn me money as long as I continue providing value I will continue giving free services to other people.

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Monday, July 14, 2008

Can those people whom are close to us appreciate our effort of personal growth?

I woke up today feeling so low, because yesterday which was a Sunday, we had a misunderstanding with my wife, the maid (house girl) had used the things she had bought and since the maid was not there, she started to cry and I called her so that we can discuss the matter, instead she ignored despite me sending for her through our son. Then she came, I didn’t like the way she made her decision because she said that, since the maid used the food, then from today onwards we shall eat,sukuma wiki (kale) for a whole week, this didn’t go down well with me, because I felt she should have consulted us me and our son before making any decision.
Instead of seeing it positively from her side, maybe I didn’t communicate clearly, she started talking harshly and I felt I should also tell her it was wrong, readers what I learnt from this experience is that we are creatively on our own, she attacked my personal growth and even told me that what I was reading and pursuing is useless ,there ,then I felt like chasing after the wind because and this incidence made me to feel that were not really together with my wife, even if you are miraculously joined together, my opinion is that you are joined to procreate and not emotionally.
I have been sharing with her about all my plans inclusive personal development but those revelations don’t go down well with her because the way she reacted in this situation really scared me and she seemed not to be appreciative. This is my renew resolution and lesions from this experience.
• I will tread carefully about my relationship, and this is how my life will be. I will never tell her or any other person until the see the changes in my life, my life is my own, I know where I am coming from and where am going, it is easy to feel to share but see weigh what you are sharing to anyone even the person you are staying with and sleeping in the same bed, the support will only come when they see the result.
• I will just continue appreciating her or anyone’s achievement but reserve my comments, what I have come to learn is that people will never like to be given a second opinion of certain thoughts they have. I will commit myself to share with her my love, intimacy but when it comes to dreams it is a personal growth and commitment and I think that is why we have salvation being personal you will never go with anyone in heaven, salvation to me in this sense is the revelation you continue getting from universe(God)as you move by.
• Instead of sharing with an individual, I will write an article about my discovery to the universe and post it in the internet and am sure there is someone somewhere who will be interested with what I am doing now. My wife cant understand, my friends cannot fathom, and when I happen to meet them is to share their life achievements and struggles and only listen to them but not comment anything,
• I want slowly to start making friends online, because it is a place where the whole world has been reduced to a small world and getting someone whom you share dreams and goals is easy. The universe cannot give you something you have not asked for.

posted by HESBON at

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Friday, July 11, 2008


I was listening to an audio talk by Anthony Robbins, “exercising your passion”, interesting many of us are not living according to our purpose, of what we were meant to be on earth, do we ever pose from what we are pursuing once in a while and ask whether it is us who we really are or we have lost a sense of direction, purpose is something once you start doing it you feel energized despite shortcomings.

I remember when I was young how innovative I was, nothing would block my way without coming up with an innovative way to go past it, I would feel always wanting to discover new things in my life, until I reached my teen years where I started following the bandwagon of the so called peer pressure, copy everything I found in place, talk like everyone and even dress and eat like everyone so that I can be in place. But one thing which assisted me was always to want learn new things either form listening the radio, watching TV or reading books because this was an habit I had developed while you, I would want find myself reading something even when travelling, waitng in the bus stop, despite me falling back I never ceased asking myself what new thing have I learn.

The bandwagon thought me on how to be a mediocre and never do anything but just wait things to happen, I was told if it was predestined to be what you will be there and it will happen nothing you can do but be contended with what you are including mediocre, gosh! It is a very interesting situation to be in and I know once in while we find ourselves there and many get stuck and accept it as there destiny.

Oh no, even I attended the church hoping things to be different but I found scripture manipulated to suit the current comfort zone we were with many saying a great a men to agreement that it is normal way. God want us to turn our live to Him actively and not passively and you want a miracle to happen to you with the current state you are and don’t think it can happen, but it will happen to diligent seekers which is echoed by the same Quotes from the bible.

I listened to be my same comfort Zoners and we comforted ourselves that things will be ok one day without realizing that this one day is can only be started now with small steps, for example if you want to be a millionaire one day start now shifting your mind doing thing which millionaires does and not limit yourself with what scarcity minds are doing. Progressively I told myself if I want to achieve the desire of my heart I have to stop living mediocre live and start living life full of abundance, a miracle would not just happen, but I will create a miracle as I move by

So the first thing was to drop my friends who we were comforting ourselves with and replace them with new friends, who would challenge my mind and make it to stretch,
I had to start saving even if I started with 10 Kenyan shilling progressively I would learn the habit of saving, before I thought saving was meant not only for the rain seasons meaning you save for the future but one thing I have learn in my experimenting is that if you adopt the saving culture it will maintain your feel good which is a state where you mind is able to think properly and have happiness for the law of attraction to manifest itself in our lives.

posted by HESBON at

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

How to change the mode of reality you currently have and get the result you have been admiring

I woke up at 5.25am feeling tired because yesterday I did a lot of mental work, I escorted my wife to job then I went round in my usual exercising while listening to a personal development talk, I listened to the subject of beliefs and what I found out was very interesting because it touched my past mode of reality and the impact it had presently. So while listening I would see exactly why I was not getting the kind of life I had wanted all the time I had to figure out whether to continue with the same thinking or drop it.

So my new discovery seemed to be more helpful because once you think of accomplishing something just send an intention to the universe and leave it to manifest by itself because if you start thinking the process instead of the end results you will be discouraged and maybe abandon pursuing it altogether, so what is best thing one should do in order to avoid this kind of outcome, the most direct way is to send the signal and remain calm doing our daily tasks which are congruent with the goals you have set in place.

Personal example is that I developed an habit which nearly was not taking me anywhere, in my first business of computer training, I had developed a habit of giving my client any answer even the one I didn’t know at but I will pretend I knew it, why deep down my heart I had fear of not getting business because I thought if I said I don’t know maybe the customer would not give me a business, am not saying is bad in general but for me it was not congruent with my values.
I had to figure out whether this was me who was doing it, then make the most effective decision in myself and to the best of my personal growth I had to drop the habit I had developed and pick the one I felt was leading me to greater personal growth, I knew it would be costly and take a longtime but it was the best I would see that would be beneficial to me, so slowly I started giving a direct answer to the question asked for example if a customer wanted me to admit his or her with low grade, I had multiple solutions to this question of the client, can you admit me?
• I would say yes directly
• I would say no and immediately state the reason behind it
• I would hold the application fee and maybe try to think whether to admit the person

And mostly before I would pick the last solution which was to take the admission fee and start telling him come tomorrow, next week until I would finally not able to admit him or her because the grade were too low and are not to the standard set by the county ministry of education and if you would hold many promises to a large number of people many of us knows that a promise is debt and the other party would start to demand quickly for the solution and at the end of the day you don’t come to terms.

I don’t know whether many of the readers you are experiencing the same circumstances but today I don’t retaliate giving you an answer if I don’t know I tell you there and then and if it is something which I need to search and bring you an answer I don’t promise you it will be possible but you have to prepare for either yes or no, how you would take it is up to you but my heart must remain clean for personal growth


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