Friday, September 5, 2008

The challenge of finding your life purpose

Finding your purpose in life is a huge responsibility, both for men and women. There is an old saying that “the longest journey begins with one step” there are practical steps you can take that will help you identify and define your God-given purpose. They are the same steps that Nehemiah in the Bible took to find and confirm what God called him to do. Its significance. Discovering a life purpose is one of the greatest blessings you’ll ever experience, and having non is one of life’s greatest curses.
Some people really feel the weight of this choice, and it scares them. I see this lot with many people around me. What if I was created without a purpose? What if I have many purposes in life? What if I discover my purpose but my parents don’t agree with me? Those are all good questions. It’s great to be asking them ahead of time.
It’s OK to be a little anxious about this choice, but don’t let the fear stop you from exercising your ability to discover consciously. You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t even have to be right at first. In fact, you’ll get much better results in the long run if you’re willing to continue the journey.
Consider the following points we learn from Nehemiah.
1. Nehemiah sought the Lord for his purpose.- you may sometimes be aware of your purpose because you are not aware and have to raise your awareness and ask God to reveal it to you. Nehemiah 1:4 says “when I heard these things, I sat down and wept . for some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven” we learn that at that time Nehemiah discovered what God wanted him to do. You can easily take your purpose for granted because to you is second to nature. You may already know your purpose or be closer to knowing it than you realize. And Nehemiah is purpose was to rebuild Jerusalem, the city of his fathers, which is why he asked visitors how it was back home. It was not Nehemiah who was there only but there where so many people but it is only Nehemiah who inquired and had burden for Jerusalem.
2. Nehemiah saw himself as a team player.- you need to see yourself fulfilling your purpose while working as a team player. Don’t stand far and start condemning and complaining that something is not being done. You might find it is you only who is seeing what you are seeing and it is waiting you to sort it out ,go out and do it. Compare that with what Nehemiah could have said .” my fathers sinned and they did these things wrong” but that was not the fact, he always said we did this, we did that because he had the right attitude, God clearly revealed to him that he was to have a role in the rebuilding process. Only “we” people get that privilege.
3. You must be able to clearly describe your purpose – you need to have a statement that explains your purpose in life, write it down and let it be your point of reference whenever you are making any decision in life. Until you have that, you can’t be effective because you will lack focus in your in life. Nehemiah knew it all along even when he got opposed.
4. Recognize that it is God who gives ability to fulfill your purpose in life. - Your purpose in life will require faith and diligence if your want to be effective. Everyone in the bible was overwhelmed by their purpose. Even Jesus sweat drops of blood when he came to the hour in which his purpose would be fulfilled, may times you must trust that God is leading in the right direction and out of you comfort zone and just press on.
Making the mistake of living without life purpose
I’m going to be totally straight with you. If you make a mistake and stay without a purpose you’ll probably suffer because you will lack focus. It would not be an easy thing to do but it is the best decision you can ever make in life. Discover your purpose today and you will never regret. May God bless you?

posted by HESBON at

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