Monday, September 29, 2008

You are of great value than you thought.

The pursuit of my personal growth, the field i passionately adore, i have come to realize why there is no any other person like,like you or anybody else. all of us are wonderfuly and fearfully made. The uniqueness of each personality brings a great diversity in loving relationships. i normally tell my wife that you so good to me and i delight being with you,the same with my son every morning before he leaves to go to school i just look at him and say i have never seen anyone like you and i dont think i will ever see again. you were created to fulfill a purpose and no one else can do it except you. go out and fulfill it.

I can imagine the joy that God had when he created you and me and said we populate the earth. furthermore He made us multidimensional much like Himself, great joy, high inteliigence,the power to think,to imagine,to creatively experiment infact to go in any direction our mind could devise.

The gift God values most would be ours that is total freedom of choice, what excitement do we have of completeness. Each one of us can exult in the ability to direct himself or herself to be equal to any challenge. we can run with speed and power,to move gracefully and with discipline and also to sit quietly in contemplation of the surrounding.

In the light to which God surrounded us with we can perceive the truth and recognize the great plans to which God had for us. you and me we can continue discovering it and we attain anything we ever thought of but we must recognize that we are wonderful and start to grow and develop and then we shall wonder at the possibilities for intellictual understanding and pursuits that is open for us.

let no one despise you,dont lower yourself, listen to your intuition and follow, you are the only obstacle to achieveing great things in life. this is my personal mission on earth. to pursue personal development and discover great and unsearchable things that am capable of doing but have not realized. am encouraging you too to pursue if you are willing. print this article and share with your relatives,friends and whomever you are in contact. because we want to have a better experience and serve one anothe to the highest good of all. what do you think. am dedicating myself to discovering profound truths and if you are willing you can partner with me in prayers or send a donation. the pay pal payment sign is below here.

posted by HESBON at

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