Friday, September 5, 2008

How can I raise my financial IQ? make an intelligent choice

While there is absolutely no question that there are universal laws of success and general principles,rules,traits and habits shared by most successful people, the mixture of those elements could never be the same for every person. Every combination lock has the same numbers on it. But each one requires a different sequence to open. The determinant on how to raise you financial IQ remains up to you and me to find.
At various times in our lives we will come to a dead-end crossroads where we just aren’t sure what to choose. If you’re a very objective person, you might prefer may be to hold back from making a decision until evidence is shown to you. Of course the problem with that approach is that often the evidence of a clear winner never arrives.
There are some potential paths through life which simply cannot be understood from the outside looking in. For example, consider the path of raising your own financial IQ. This path looks very different from the outside looking in than it does from the inside looking out. I think the only way you can really know which path is right for you is to start and start raising your financial IQ for a while, and compare with when you don’t raise at all and see which one you like better. I never knew how to rise for financial IQ for long and understand how it feels and I have tried raising my IQ, I really love it. So it was an easy decision for me to choose the latter than former one. I don’t have to fantasize about which path might be the right one — I tested both options and selected the one that was right for me. But always trust in God to help you make wise decision.
After experiencing both paths for yourself, which one should you choose? Choose the one that empowers you the most — the path of greatest empowerment. You will generally find that one path is more empowering than the other. If you adopt that staying with the current mode of reality you have like struggling to pay bills and you find yourself less capable of functioning in the world, having a harder time achieving your goals, and experiencing more frustration and other negative emotions, that path is disempowering. If you change your mode of reality and want to raise your financial IQ and find yourself attracting more money into your life, achieving your goals more easily, and experiencing more joy and other positive emotions, that path is empowering. It is up to you to choose which better is empowering.
The point is that your future is yet to be made. You may as well make it up today and make it up the way you want it to be, rather than what you are afraid it might not be. Too many people go to the worst case choosing rather than the best case choosing when it comes to financial issue. It has the positive effect of increasing your certainty that your default path is still the current best. So try changing to experience new version to test whether it will be of any help and I want to assure you that you current default is not the best because it might have been installed by someone else than you. The only way to raise your financial vibrations is see things differently than normal then you will be free.
I think you’ll find this mindset beneficial as we explore different ways on how to raise financial intelligence .Perhaps the biggest challenge of this approach is when you try a new path, and it works, but it’s such a radical departure from what you’re used to that it turns your whole notion of reality upside down. That’s happened to me more than once. For example, if your life is centered around a belief that you have to get a job or go back to class and add a professional course to position yourself for a financial increase than maybe starting your own business or investing your money to earn you multiple stream of income then that ’s a really big shift you’re facing. How do you handle it? In the long run, I find it’s best to bite the bullet and do whatever it takes to integrate that new knowledge, even if it causes radical shifts in your career and relationships. It may take weeks, months or years to resurface in a place that feels comfortable again.

posted by HESBON at

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