What lessons can we learn from the Wright brothers?
Orville and Wilbur Wright were brothers who knew how to practice on how to fail. They knew the risks before them but they saw them as not risky. They knew they were going to fail so they found a very safe piece of ground to fail on. They did not jump off edges or cliffs but found a large flat piece of ground with a good strong wind, and practiced until the day they would fly.
While the rest of the world saw objectively that what they were doing was impossible. The Wright brothers subjectively saw a possibility in the mind and the thoughts were being manifested which would finally bring reality into place and that is why most of the time when you share an idea which has not manifested and you get discouraged by the people whom you have shared with. If you are convicted that it is a noble idea don’t stop because for them is beyond their reality and always measure their views and the position they are as per see. This practice has killed very many ideas which would be helpful in the world today.
Because of the willingness of the Wright brothers to attempt the impossibility they changed the world forever. They stretched their mode of reality and made the impossible to be possible. They spend many years working on making the possibility a reality
How did they make it possible?
They went into the future to make human fly, which was the ideal thing for them and it fascinated them. That made them act as from the perspective of their present life. This goes to those of us who think that it is impossible to have financial abundance, good relationship, happy marriage, successful career and the rest simply because your past was bad and the present is also in turmoil which makes you give up and curse why you were born.
The Wright brothers knew that nobody ever flown at that time and neither they had done it but they accepted the responsibility of everything but did what we call creative observation whereby they would see the ideal flying in the future but act as if it has happened and continue working towards the reality. The case here is that you can’t deny the situation because it is you who created it, but must take the responsibility and improve the situation. Thus the Wright brother practiced failing in order to fly. Practicing failing was creative observation because for us we think it was failing forward but slowly they were improving the situation until it became a reality. We can also apply the same principle by accepting the marriage is in turmoil, you luck money, and you don’t love your current work.
Creative observation.
When you accept your current situation, then bring the picture of the ideal situation you want to have in the future, having your own business maybe, getting a job you love, having a fulfilling marriage. What are the things this ideal situation has that my current situation don’t have, list them down, and start acting on them one after the other step by step and put a target and am not promising that it will be an easy job but it call for self-discipline which might be hard for you but fail forward as the Wright brother and within a certain period weight the situation and see whether there is improvement reward yourself and continue enjoying the process. Do this and send me an email.
posted by HESBON at
11:24 PM
Orville and Wilbur Wright were brothers who knew how to practice on how to fail. They knew the risks before them but they saw them as not risky. They knew they were going to fail so they found a very safe piece of ground to fail on. They did not jump off edges or cliffs but found a large flat piece of ground with a good strong wind, and practiced until the day they would fly.
While the rest of the world saw objectively that what they were doing was impossible. The Wright brothers subjectively saw a possibility in the mind and the thoughts were being manifested which would finally bring reality into place and that is why most of the time when you share an idea which has not manifested and you get discouraged by the people whom you have shared with. If you are convicted that it is a noble idea don’t stop because for them is beyond their reality and always measure their views and the position they are as per see. This practice has killed very many ideas which would be helpful in the world today.
Because of the willingness of the Wright brothers to attempt the impossibility they changed the world forever. They stretched their mode of reality and made the impossible to be possible. They spend many years working on making the possibility a reality
How did they make it possible?
They went into the future to make human fly, which was the ideal thing for them and it fascinated them. That made them act as from the perspective of their present life. This goes to those of us who think that it is impossible to have financial abundance, good relationship, happy marriage, successful career and the rest simply because your past was bad and the present is also in turmoil which makes you give up and curse why you were born.
The Wright brothers knew that nobody ever flown at that time and neither they had done it but they accepted the responsibility of everything but did what we call creative observation whereby they would see the ideal flying in the future but act as if it has happened and continue working towards the reality. The case here is that you can’t deny the situation because it is you who created it, but must take the responsibility and improve the situation. Thus the Wright brother practiced failing in order to fly. Practicing failing was creative observation because for us we think it was failing forward but slowly they were improving the situation until it became a reality. We can also apply the same principle by accepting the marriage is in turmoil, you luck money, and you don’t love your current work.
Creative observation.
When you accept your current situation, then bring the picture of the ideal situation you want to have in the future, having your own business maybe, getting a job you love, having a fulfilling marriage. What are the things this ideal situation has that my current situation don’t have, list them down, and start acting on them one after the other step by step and put a target and am not promising that it will be an easy job but it call for self-discipline which might be hard for you but fail forward as the Wright brother and within a certain period weight the situation and see whether there is improvement reward yourself and continue enjoying the process. Do this and send me an email.
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