Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Don’t settle for bones go for the meat

Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Many people in the world keep dogs, maybe for security or for fun. The use doesn’t matter for now because it all depends, for me we kept many as we were growing up here in Africa, Kenya. We loved them so much because they provided security to our home. Many times we believed the dog would alert us if anything happened, for example if a thief came stealing the dog would bark and make us prepare to hunt the culprit. This went long but thieves became clever when it came to stealing, once they realized that people kept dogs to prevent them from stealing.

They also devised a way to curb the whole thing. They studied what dogs loved and found out it was given bones to eat. For them went for the loveable one, they would go and come with the steak and not bones. Once they wanted to steal, they could throw the steak at the dogs and since the dogs had missed the meat so much. They would take attention to the meat and forget the role had put to play and the thieves would walk away with whatever they came to steal.

I know many people would think why keep a dog to give you security, but as I said earlier it depends on the purpose you want to tame the dog for. One thing I learnt from this experience is that, many people think dogs love eating bones but one thing we also forget is that they love the steak which man love so much and only settled for bones because they don’t have any other alternative.

If they had power to make a choice on what to take, I want to assure you that no dog would go for bones but would scramble for the steak. What lesson can we learn from here and what can we teach ourselves. Have you settled for mediocre life or spectacular life? It doesn’t mean that since no one from your area had ever lived good life, you also want to settle for the same.

We are not like dogs to accept anything but we are beings who were created with a purpose and that purpose is to be unique and different so that we can be of service to one another. How many times have we settled for a certain career which is not fulfilling but since it is paying well and you don’t have any other alternative you just keep on? It is high time we follow what the heart is talking about and quit to do what we where meant to be.

Somebody will say but I have gone far with this job, relationship, marriage, career and etc. how can I quit to start a fresh. But do you ask yourself how long you are going to feel gloomy with lack of enthusiastic and with lack of motivation. Do you find yourself waking every morning happy with full of energy. Do you feel that you are contributing with your unique talents and skills to service of man?
Are good intentions enough? Or do you actually need some talent?
Why do many decide to get with their current status even if it is unfulfilling? The reason might be because first of all they didn’t know how they found themselves their. It might be because it was the order of the day. Like what am getting here in Kenya people rushing to follow what is the hottest thing in town without any precaution. And sometimes you might have been forced by your parents to do and they think if they stop it their parents will be disappointed. What is the best thing to do? To follow your heart or stay there to impress someone.
Doing what your heart wants which is passion is the most intelligent choice you can make because you will never live in regrets for the rest of your life.
Many times when you don’t jump into the social conditioning bandwagon you will be taken as a person following failure in life. A friend of mine asked me one day why I was holding on to following my heart and yet I can easily get a job and start living a big life.
To him living big means getting a job even if a job is not full filling, you see I would not give an explanation what I was after, because all of us were reading from different scripts.
You might be misunderstood but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are following your heart desire. Am not saying you don’t listen to advices but make deliberate decisions which are in line which your purpose in life.

posted by HESBON at

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