Sunday, July 20, 2008

How to embrace progressively your new career you love and let go

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.
- Dale Carnegie our

Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back, lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes (Isaiah 54:2 NIV)
As you progress through your true purpose in life, you may begin to feel disconnected between your current life situation and the one you envision moving towards. These two worlds may seem so different to you that you cannot mentally conceive of how to build a bridge between them. How can you balance the practical reality of taking care of your obligations like earning money to pay your bills, pleasing your boss, raising your family, and maintaining social relationships with people who can't appreciate what you're undergoing and the direction want to move towards? New fears may crop up related to this seemingly impossible shift. How will you support yourself? What will become of your relationships? Are you just deluding yourself?
What shall you do now the point is just Focus instead on independently beginning the process of manifesting the new found direction leading to your new vision and start from scratch as is it is a child who has been born? For example, suppose you currently work as a teacher of a high school and your courage tells you that you don’t find fulfillment and maybe you will eventually give up the work, and seeing yourself passionately preaching to inmates in a cell.
But you can’t fathom yourself as a teacher trying to preach to the prisoners and on top of that you can’t see yourself making a decent living in this new career, at least not quickly. There’s a big gap between this new vision and practical reality. So what do you do? My advice is that instead of trying to fill this gap, just start building your new vision completely from scratch in whatever time you have, even if it’s only 30 minutes a week. Keep doing your teaching career in high school, but in your spare time, go and preach in the prisons. Use your teaching techniques and skills you developed as high school teacher to begins speaking to inmates even if 5 to 10 of them per week in your 30 minutes. Make free handouts and literatures to be supplied to the prisons giving a world of encouragement. Don’t hide that you are a high school teacher, live passionately and continue developing the new you for a while.
Eventually what will happen is that once you have developed a skill in your new career and be able to support yourself from it, which you didn’t see at first. Just know that even the skill of teaching high school you didn’t master in one day, you had to get training, but at that time you were attracted to it for a wrong reason. But here you are full of passion and have something that you want to do that you will enjoy doing it.
Once the time has come that you feel you have mastered the courage and skill, you can peacefully let go your old career and focus your energy on the new one. Your passion for your new work will entually overwhelms your fear of letting go of your old source of anchorage. So instead of trying do had to change immediately into your new career, just start the process of changing progressively as you led go off the old one. Even if is just 2 minutes everyday it will eventually make a difference and eventually fills up most of your days. The most important thing is to start introducing it in your life right now even if initially you can do it in a small way.
No matter how difficult it may seem, make the choice to move courageously and don’t allow fear in you block from moving ahead. Dare to live to your dreams in you. Venture to the unknown zone and will enjoy that desires of the heart. Don’t die without embracing the daring adventure your life is meant to be. You may go broke. Failure and eve being rejected can meet you as you progress. Your relationship may go down but all are indicators that you are moving ahead. So go ahead and feel the fear, summon the courage to follow your dreams anyway.

posted by HESBON at

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