Thursday, July 24, 2008

How to be grateful about anything

“Your thoughts are the tools with which you carve your life story on the substance of the universe. When you choose your thoughts, you choose results.”
Imelda Shanklin

We know that everything we put attention and emotional energy on, good or bad, will eventually show up in our lives. The universe, and our subconscious mind, don’t know good from bad, and they treat fear and enthusiasm exactly the
Same. If we’re putting energy on it, we’re placing an order for it.

Wallace Wattles say it connects us with the Source: “You cannot exercise much without gratitude because it is Gratitude that keeps you connected with power. The creative
Power within us makes us into the image of that to which we give our attention. The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best; therefore it will receive the best.”

Do you see what he is saying? If we are grateful about everything, we are focusing on what we want. It’s a way of making sure we are putting the highest possible positive energy on our desires, and withholding energy from the doubts and fears that we don’t want. For example I never knew that I should be grateful with what I have before I start attracting new things that I ever wished to have in my.

It’s important, then, to be putting positive energy on what we want, not negative energy (fear, worry) on what we don’t want. Gratitude is so important because it is a very high energy positive vibration of thought. It is powerfully attractive!

How sad do we live our lives wishing we had this and that, while you cannot be appreciative that you have whatever you have right now. How much time do we see someone wishing he had a car, and then he would be the happiest person on earth. And when you look at this person he is not being grateful that he has two legs which someone else somewhere doesn’t have. If you start being grateful with what you have, like the two legs we have talked about you will send positive towards which will enable you to detect means which you can use to get the car you wanted.

Most of the time I think the reason behind us not getting what we really is that we are not living according to the purpose we were meant to serve on earth, because if we really were serving according to our purpose for example if our purpose was to help people grow and be aware of themselves. You will be grateful that you have whatever its which is enabling to add value to human service and more opportunities will be opened for you to reach for more people because your service is needed somewhere and what happens you will automatically think of a car for faster movement.
Now let us be grateful with what we have which is helping us to fulfill our purpose on earth.

posted by HESBON at

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