">Every adversity, every unpleasant experience, every failure, carries with it the seed of an equivalent
My personal growth has really taken a new twist since I started learning to do what I love dong am attracting new things in my life, it is not a easy journey but its far rewarding than what I was doing before, right now am more focused to my goals than I was before, I can clearly look towards the next day than when I didn’t care about myself.
It’s so easy for us to fall into the pattern of working really hard on goals that we picked up through social conditioning but never really consciously chose. However, when we work on such goals, we often hit nothing but roadblocks until we figure out what it is we truly want.
One thing have noticed is that the more I become conscious the easy, am able to look back and say wow, is this how I have been thinking, elevating our thoughts should be progressively pursued if we can be able to solve problem which might look big right now as it is being said do what you love and everything else shall follow, it is just clear and to the point, because the thoughts you have are the one creating the reality you are seeing and if you want to see synchronicities being manifested in your life guard the thoughts you projects outwards.
Before then I used to think that, everyone who am meeting should be responsible of what am encountering right now, so I would go walking telling people of what am able to do, what have achieved in my life, my projects which were pilling to be accomplished, not knowing that I was only projecting my thoughts to the which at long last we come back to me either way and instead of helping them to see that they are capable, I would only create in congruencies which will bring disharmony and we would not go along with people.
Consequences of mixing friendship with business story
There is man I hired when I was having my computer training business, we used to be friends back the time I was in college, he was taking theology and I was taking a degree in network communication systems for a short period before I dropped out, back then I loved being a Christian, I was born a seventh day Adventist family, and accepted the belief of the church, so sometimes I would participate in lay preaching even though I was not trained in that.
So I left this guy to continue with education because him he had sponsorship,so me I have no option because my uncle who was paying for my school fees stopped and instead employed me in his computer school to assist him for a while before he threw me out, for me to have nothing and that is when I started the training business with the little experience I had because that was my mode of reality, I never figured out to start anything more than that.
I was with this business for three years, married while with the business and because my wife got a Job in a different city far from where we were, it became difficult for me to operate, so I had to figure out whether to close the business and relocate or to employ a manager and delegate duties to him. After discussing with my wife we concluded the latter is ok. So this guys was here and I felt is an opportunity for me to not only create a job but to give him experience since he was fresh from college after finishing his masters in international business development.
In my mind I was clean and my motives were ok, but never that this guys despite of him being a minister had bad motives to take over my business, when I was a way he would tell everyone that he has opened business and now want to make money and even started tampering with college documentation but thank I stepped in faster and realized that what I was doing there was no systems in place. I was just shared my business ideas which someone would pick them and use them has his.
Lessons learnt
Right now when I look back then I see I have really grown in my experience and my path of entrepreneur lesions. If I would have not accommodated this guy to my business I would have not learnt the lesson I got. ‘Every adversity, every unpleasant experience, every failure, carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit’. Nothing comes inform of failure that appear like a stumbling block but in it carries a great benefit it. This enabled me and helped me when I launched my personal development business in did not choose to follow social conditioning but follow my heart, and what I love doing as long as it adds value to me and fellow human being that was what I really wanted to do in life. My life has new percepectives, am more confident now, more happy, new friends are coming to my life who are happy and focused.
Now have learnt that just concentrate on working on your self and creating awareness in yourself and others, later I stopped continuing working on the training business which I felt was not congruent with my strengths and instead work on something which I loved working and which I was doing as part time in my free time, and said what if I take this things I love doing and make them full time and money and other things shall take care of themselves, am almost 12 months down the road since I took it on a full time basis and 4 month since I launched this blog, but even if I doesn’t earn me money as long as I continue providing value I will continue giving free services to other people.
posted by HESBON at
3:53 AM

">Every adversity, every unpleasant experience, every failure, carries with it the seed of an equivalent
My personal growth has really taken a new twist since I started learning to do what I love dong am attracting new things in my life, it is not a easy journey but its far rewarding than what I was doing before, right now am more focused to my goals than I was before, I can clearly look towards the next day than when I didn’t care about myself.
It’s so easy for us to fall into the pattern of working really hard on goals that we picked up through social conditioning but never really consciously chose. However, when we work on such goals, we often hit nothing but roadblocks until we figure out what it is we truly want.
One thing have noticed is that the more I become conscious the easy, am able to look back and say wow, is this how I have been thinking, elevating our thoughts should be progressively pursued if we can be able to solve problem which might look big right now as it is being said do what you love and everything else shall follow, it is just clear and to the point, because the thoughts you have are the one creating the reality you are seeing and if you want to see synchronicities being manifested in your life guard the thoughts you projects outwards.
Before then I used to think that, everyone who am meeting should be responsible of what am encountering right now, so I would go walking telling people of what am able to do, what have achieved in my life, my projects which were pilling to be accomplished, not knowing that I was only projecting my thoughts to the which at long last we come back to me either way and instead of helping them to see that they are capable, I would only create in congruencies which will bring disharmony and we would not go along with people.
Consequences of mixing friendship with business story
There is man I hired when I was having my computer training business, we used to be friends back the time I was in college, he was taking theology and I was taking a degree in network communication systems for a short period before I dropped out, back then I loved being a Christian, I was born a seventh day Adventist family, and accepted the belief of the church, so sometimes I would participate in lay preaching even though I was not trained in that.
So I left this guy to continue with education because him he had sponsorship,so me I have no option because my uncle who was paying for my school fees stopped and instead employed me in his computer school to assist him for a while before he threw me out, for me to have nothing and that is when I started the training business with the little experience I had because that was my mode of reality, I never figured out to start anything more than that.
I was with this business for three years, married while with the business and because my wife got a Job in a different city far from where we were, it became difficult for me to operate, so I had to figure out whether to close the business and relocate or to employ a manager and delegate duties to him. After discussing with my wife we concluded the latter is ok. So this guys was here and I felt is an opportunity for me to not only create a job but to give him experience since he was fresh from college after finishing his masters in international business development.
In my mind I was clean and my motives were ok, but never that this guys despite of him being a minister had bad motives to take over my business, when I was a way he would tell everyone that he has opened business and now want to make money and even started tampering with college documentation but thank I stepped in faster and realized that what I was doing there was no systems in place. I was just shared my business ideas which someone would pick them and use them has his.
Lessons learnt
Right now when I look back then I see I have really grown in my experience and my path of entrepreneur lesions. If I would have not accommodated this guy to my business I would have not learnt the lesson I got. ‘Every adversity, every unpleasant experience, every failure, carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit’. Nothing comes inform of failure that appear like a stumbling block but in it carries a great benefit it. This enabled me and helped me when I launched my personal development business in did not choose to follow social conditioning but follow my heart, and what I love doing as long as it adds value to me and fellow human being that was what I really wanted to do in life. My life has new percepectives, am more confident now, more happy, new friends are coming to my life who are happy and focused.
Now have learnt that just concentrate on working on your self and creating awareness in yourself and others, later I stopped continuing working on the training business which I felt was not congruent with my strengths and instead work on something which I loved working and which I was doing as part time in my free time, and said what if I take this things I love doing and make them full time and money and other things shall take care of themselves, am almost 12 months down the road since I took it on a full time basis and 4 month since I launched this blog, but even if I doesn’t earn me money as long as I continue providing value I will continue giving free services to other people.
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