Change your content and context and success is on your way
I contend that if a person has ever increasing context and content, the person will change habitually and be different. It is not what you say or talk that make you different but you mode of thinking. If you are in a storm today, now more than ever you need to guard what you say and not allow any negative, destructive words to come of your mouth. In other words you create an environment for either good or evil with words and you are going to have to live in that world you have created. If you are always murmuring, complaining and talking about how bad life is treating you. You are going to live in a pretty miserable, depressing world.
Friend, there is miracle in your mouth. If you want to change your world, start by changing your words. When times get tough, don’t give in to murmuring, disputing and complaining. Speak to those problems. If you learn how to speak the right words and keeps the right attitude. God will turn that situation around.
Let’s be real, though. You may have a deep river of negativity and it s going to take a strong will to change. The river was not formed overnight, nor will be redirected without some conscious, strenuous effort on your part. God will help you, but you are going to have to make quality decisions every day, choosing the good, rejecting the bad. Determine to keep your mind set on the good things of God.
Why there seems s no change at all
We know people like to hold on to old ideas and beliefs as though they were valued personal possessions including the words out of the mouth. Why is this? In part to reconsider adopted points of view involves thinking. In fact, it involves original thinking. Which questions a previous assumption or the original basis for a previous assumption? All such thinking “hurts” since it requires considerable effort and self-analysis. As well, it involves some risk. People will not throw away an old habit until they have acquired a new one to replace it then discard the old one. People will not accept a new idea unless they believe to do so is their self interest. In other words the new idea or belief has a better “fit and feel” than the old one in the total context of a person’s new reality structure, the new way you are seeing yourself.
Unfortunately, people who do no think their past are condemned to repeat it. Habitual thinking can only lead to habitual behavior. it can be compared to treading water or marking time as the world passes you by. The only people who can change their mind are those who use it.
How can you have the new change of habit?
Clearly there is hope for everyone. You need only program you subconscious mind with artificial, winning experiences as effectively as real-life experiences. You can use your own resources, knowledge and imagination in this positive, purposeful way instead of waiting for your circumstances and environment to take care of you.
Decide that you will be a person of your word with reputation on the line. Put your resolution in writing and place it where it will continually remind you.
Ask for divine strength to support you. Start expecting good things. Get up each morning knowing that God has great things in store for you. When you get out of bed “father, I am
Excited about today. This is a day you have made, I ‘m going to rejoice and be glad in it, God. I know you reward those who seek you, so I thank you in advance for your blessings, favor and victory in my life today”. Then go out and live with expectancy; live with faith. Ask others to help keep you accountable. Make your decisions public. Public pledges are difficult to break because you don’t want to let others down. Next have a definite plan, but avoid inflexibility. Then make your plan a part of your daily life, go for moderation and balance and expect progress to be gradual. If it took you years to be what you are, it will takes some time before you get what you want.(never be promised that it is an overnight thing). Enjoy the process, not just the end product. And don’t be hard on yourself. Old habits die hard. Monitor your progress on a regular basis, but don’t be obsessive. Follow the 90/10 rule rather than 100/0 rule. Go for 90 percent compliance. Cut yourself a little slack, rather than wallow in quilt. Give credit where credit is due; thank the Lord for your success.
posted by HESBON at
12:46 AM
I contend that if a person has ever increasing context and content, the person will change habitually and be different. It is not what you say or talk that make you different but you mode of thinking. If you are in a storm today, now more than ever you need to guard what you say and not allow any negative, destructive words to come of your mouth. In other words you create an environment for either good or evil with words and you are going to have to live in that world you have created. If you are always murmuring, complaining and talking about how bad life is treating you. You are going to live in a pretty miserable, depressing world.
Friend, there is miracle in your mouth. If you want to change your world, start by changing your words. When times get tough, don’t give in to murmuring, disputing and complaining. Speak to those problems. If you learn how to speak the right words and keeps the right attitude. God will turn that situation around.
Let’s be real, though. You may have a deep river of negativity and it s going to take a strong will to change. The river was not formed overnight, nor will be redirected without some conscious, strenuous effort on your part. God will help you, but you are going to have to make quality decisions every day, choosing the good, rejecting the bad. Determine to keep your mind set on the good things of God.
Why there seems s no change at all
We know people like to hold on to old ideas and beliefs as though they were valued personal possessions including the words out of the mouth. Why is this? In part to reconsider adopted points of view involves thinking. In fact, it involves original thinking. Which questions a previous assumption or the original basis for a previous assumption? All such thinking “hurts” since it requires considerable effort and self-analysis. As well, it involves some risk. People will not throw away an old habit until they have acquired a new one to replace it then discard the old one. People will not accept a new idea unless they believe to do so is their self interest. In other words the new idea or belief has a better “fit and feel” than the old one in the total context of a person’s new reality structure, the new way you are seeing yourself.
Unfortunately, people who do no think their past are condemned to repeat it. Habitual thinking can only lead to habitual behavior. it can be compared to treading water or marking time as the world passes you by. The only people who can change their mind are those who use it.
How can you have the new change of habit?
Clearly there is hope for everyone. You need only program you subconscious mind with artificial, winning experiences as effectively as real-life experiences. You can use your own resources, knowledge and imagination in this positive, purposeful way instead of waiting for your circumstances and environment to take care of you.
Decide that you will be a person of your word with reputation on the line. Put your resolution in writing and place it where it will continually remind you.
Ask for divine strength to support you. Start expecting good things. Get up each morning knowing that God has great things in store for you. When you get out of bed “father, I am
Excited about today. This is a day you have made, I ‘m going to rejoice and be glad in it, God. I know you reward those who seek you, so I thank you in advance for your blessings, favor and victory in my life today”. Then go out and live with expectancy; live with faith. Ask others to help keep you accountable. Make your decisions public. Public pledges are difficult to break because you don’t want to let others down. Next have a definite plan, but avoid inflexibility. Then make your plan a part of your daily life, go for moderation and balance and expect progress to be gradual. If it took you years to be what you are, it will takes some time before you get what you want.(never be promised that it is an overnight thing). Enjoy the process, not just the end product. And don’t be hard on yourself. Old habits die hard. Monitor your progress on a regular basis, but don’t be obsessive. Follow the 90/10 rule rather than 100/0 rule. Go for 90 percent compliance. Cut yourself a little slack, rather than wallow in quilt. Give credit where credit is due; thank the Lord for your success.
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