Can get what you really want in your life
Life does not listen to your logic; it goes on its own way undisturbed. You have to listen to life, life will not listen to your logic, and it does not bother about our logic.
As human beings, our tendency is to tell life to listen to what we want. But life doesn’t work like that way. It gives us what we need, what is best for us and what is in our highest interest. Often the most difficult part of taking those first steps towards the part to success is not with the actual execution of the plan, but rather in your ability to take the full responsibility for your life. Jack canfield in his book success principles states a single formula that you can adopt in taking responsibility for your life and for changing the desired outcome that you want in your life. The formula is E+R=O. Whereby E stands for Event and R stands for Response and O is the outcome.
Events always remain an uncontrollable given in the equation because you have little or no control over what happens in the outside world. You have no control over flood, and the rest. What you find is that people often focus and waste much of their energy blaming and trying to control things which are beyond them which removes all the responsibility that they have from changing their desired outcome for the better.
Rather than blaming the events which are beyond our control, we should take the responsibility and change the way we respond to it. Nothing offers you as big opportunity to reclaim more power than what we possess. Sometimes our human eyes can view it as a negative experience and we can start blaming ourselves for no good reason; where is God when all this is happening? Why was I born to this unfriendly world? And so many other lames reasoning. This is just but fear which is making to behave like a mouse because you don’t want to take responsibility in your life.
You see suffering occurs when something happens that we did not expect. It occurs when life gives something unexpected, some new condition and it will come as an event maybe becoming ill or the loss of someone you loved in your life, financial setback which is beyond your control, like the case of post-election wars we experienced here in Kenya January 2008 and many people lost their lives, relatives and many properties were lost and business made huge losses, which affected everyone here in Kenya and there was a lot of blaming going on around and the response is all will determine the outcome. We are asked to let go of what we expected for a human being and letting go can be frightening.
But there is nothing to fear. The universe of ours is a far friendlier place than we realize. Suffering comes to help us and causes us to know who we truly are. Suffering cracks us and we open, forcing us to let go and surrender all that we have known and clung to. Clinging to safe shore in your life is nothing more than making a choice to remain imprisoned by your fears. There may be the illusion that you are free when you keep living within the box that your life may have become but believe me it’s just that: an illusion- a lie you tell yourself. But when you will take full responsibility to your life and leave the box for new ventures then you would have changed your outcome completely in your life.
There is much darkness in the world. But trust me there is also more light in it than ever. So many people have come to realize that you can curse the darkness or you can have the courage to be one who lights a candle. That is what taking responsibility is all about lighting candles amidst darkness. Darkness only exists in the absence of light.
We are moving towards a critical mass, a tipping point when there will be a massive shift. When enough people awaken to take up responsibility in their lives and there will be quantum leap. People will take a path that involves living life according to their own deepest values and highest ideals that is taking total responsibility with an open heart and a developed mind. Are you ready?
posted by HESBON at
11:20 PM
Life does not listen to your logic; it goes on its own way undisturbed. You have to listen to life, life will not listen to your logic, and it does not bother about our logic.
As human beings, our tendency is to tell life to listen to what we want. But life doesn’t work like that way. It gives us what we need, what is best for us and what is in our highest interest. Often the most difficult part of taking those first steps towards the part to success is not with the actual execution of the plan, but rather in your ability to take the full responsibility for your life. Jack canfield in his book success principles states a single formula that you can adopt in taking responsibility for your life and for changing the desired outcome that you want in your life. The formula is E+R=O. Whereby E stands for Event and R stands for Response and O is the outcome.
Events always remain an uncontrollable given in the equation because you have little or no control over what happens in the outside world. You have no control over flood, and the rest. What you find is that people often focus and waste much of their energy blaming and trying to control things which are beyond them which removes all the responsibility that they have from changing their desired outcome for the better.
Rather than blaming the events which are beyond our control, we should take the responsibility and change the way we respond to it. Nothing offers you as big opportunity to reclaim more power than what we possess. Sometimes our human eyes can view it as a negative experience and we can start blaming ourselves for no good reason; where is God when all this is happening? Why was I born to this unfriendly world? And so many other lames reasoning. This is just but fear which is making to behave like a mouse because you don’t want to take responsibility in your life.
You see suffering occurs when something happens that we did not expect. It occurs when life gives something unexpected, some new condition and it will come as an event maybe becoming ill or the loss of someone you loved in your life, financial setback which is beyond your control, like the case of post-election wars we experienced here in Kenya January 2008 and many people lost their lives, relatives and many properties were lost and business made huge losses, which affected everyone here in Kenya and there was a lot of blaming going on around and the response is all will determine the outcome. We are asked to let go of what we expected for a human being and letting go can be frightening.
But there is nothing to fear. The universe of ours is a far friendlier place than we realize. Suffering comes to help us and causes us to know who we truly are. Suffering cracks us and we open, forcing us to let go and surrender all that we have known and clung to. Clinging to safe shore in your life is nothing more than making a choice to remain imprisoned by your fears. There may be the illusion that you are free when you keep living within the box that your life may have become but believe me it’s just that: an illusion- a lie you tell yourself. But when you will take full responsibility to your life and leave the box for new ventures then you would have changed your outcome completely in your life.
There is much darkness in the world. But trust me there is also more light in it than ever. So many people have come to realize that you can curse the darkness or you can have the courage to be one who lights a candle. That is what taking responsibility is all about lighting candles amidst darkness. Darkness only exists in the absence of light.
We are moving towards a critical mass, a tipping point when there will be a massive shift. When enough people awaken to take up responsibility in their lives and there will be quantum leap. People will take a path that involves living life according to their own deepest values and highest ideals that is taking total responsibility with an open heart and a developed mind. Are you ready?
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