Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How to make changes in our lives

Whatever your self-concept, your habit of thinking with regard to money or any
Other area of performance, this very soon becomes your “comfort zone.” Your
Comfort zone then becomes your greatest single obstacle to improved performance.
Once you get into a comfort zone in any area, you will strive and struggle
Unconsciously to remain in that comfort zone, even though it may be vastly below
What you are truly capable of achieving in that area.
We may not see the sweet become the bitter until the taste fills our mouth and our eyes are watering with the pain of the transformation. The only certain about life is that it will change. We are forced to keep the change in our lives whether we want to or not, realizing that the best of situations can turn on a dime and become the worst crisis we have faced. So many of life is hardship derive their power from the unexpected timing of the punch the catches off guard
The key to achieving your full potential, to increasing your income to vastly higher
Levels than it is today, and to enjoying the very best that is possible for you in
Every area of life is for you to raise your self-concept in that area. It is for you to
Develop new habits of thinking about what is possible for you. The way that you
Accomplish vastly more on the outside is by changing your thoughts and feelings
About your potential in that area on the inside.
No matter how faith-filled, how financially responsible, how politically correct you are, how congenial you may be with others, you will inevitably find yourself from time to time facing moments that threaten you like a terrorist attack. These private haunt us and leave us with a secret angst that hangs around like hot spicy foods in a system that has no gall bladder.
There is a direct relationship between the amount of control you enjoy and the amount of responsibility you accept. If you take the time to become aware of it and assume responsibility for it you can control what you imagine and the way you see yourself and the way you want your future to unfold. When you face difficult decisions or uncertain, it helps to seek counsel from someone you respect. We should always stay open and be willing to take advice.
The only way to raise our awareness is to continue learning and developing, we need to strive to maintain the readiness to learn even from seemingly unlikely sources. Such sources would include persons younger than us, less educated than we are or those who do not have the exposure that we have had in life. This takes lots of humility which in an age of competitiveness doesn’t feature on top of the must have traits.

posted by HESBON at

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