How to discover the journey back home.
Personal growth is the most important key in unlocking our potential. The potential that lies within us is largely limitless and largely untapped. When we think of the limits, we create them. For us to grow we must embrace the fact of growing from inside and not outside-inside.
Ultimately the responsibility to develop ourselves rests squarely on us. Where we are on the journey of development is entirely our prerogative. The moment we really want to be different we set the change process in motion.
The most life-destroying word of all is the word tomorrow, the poor, the unsuccessful, the unhappy, the unhealthy have accommodated this word and they normally use it in a daily basis as the reason they don’t want to take responsibility and start the journey of growth. The problem with the word tomorrow is that I have never seen tomorrow. Tomorrows do not exist. Tomorrow only exist in the minds of dreamers and losers. People who put off till tomorrow find that the sins and bad habits of their past eventually catch up with them.
Every one of us creates a story about his own life, even if he only tells it to himself. For some is all about being a victim. They are the way they are because of their childhoods or because of where they grew up or because of the bad things that have happened to them. So many people in the world today are professional victims.
Because playing the victim is easy. You do not have to assume any responsibility for the way your life looks. You can blame everyone else for what’s not working in your life, never having to look at yourself and make the changes required and grow as person.
The journey of growth begins with the discovery and development of purpose.
What on earth are you here for? This is the question to answer. Until we candidly answer the question we will not have sustained growth. Our focus will be divided and our energies spread out too thin. But when we know our purpose, we can then build our lives around it. We will find ourselves making a difference in this life if we priotize according to that purpose.
Many possible paths to our lives have been written for us. There are many doorways into the mansion of bliss. Just as there are many routes you can take to get to your biggest life, the life that has been meant for you-getting there is a homecoming of sorts as well. There are many jobs, you can take that will get you to your destiny. Similarly there are many souls’ mates available to you, each offering different lessons, but all able to help you grow into and awaken your best. Getting to your highest self and biggest life is the main purpose of life.
Getting home to the place of brilliance, love, and fearlessness you have forgotten is the reason for your existence. Now it’s up to you which route or path you take as you attempt to get to your authentic life. No one path is better than the other-just look different. Taking one path might mean a longer trip, just you need to travel a longer distance and face a few bumpier roads. Taking another path might be like taking an expressway to your destination with a smooth ride and cloudless blue skies. It’s up to you. It’s in large part determined by the choices you make within the moments of your days.
posted by HESBON at
11:43 PM
Personal growth is the most important key in unlocking our potential. The potential that lies within us is largely limitless and largely untapped. When we think of the limits, we create them. For us to grow we must embrace the fact of growing from inside and not outside-inside.
Ultimately the responsibility to develop ourselves rests squarely on us. Where we are on the journey of development is entirely our prerogative. The moment we really want to be different we set the change process in motion.
The most life-destroying word of all is the word tomorrow, the poor, the unsuccessful, the unhappy, the unhealthy have accommodated this word and they normally use it in a daily basis as the reason they don’t want to take responsibility and start the journey of growth. The problem with the word tomorrow is that I have never seen tomorrow. Tomorrows do not exist. Tomorrow only exist in the minds of dreamers and losers. People who put off till tomorrow find that the sins and bad habits of their past eventually catch up with them.
Every one of us creates a story about his own life, even if he only tells it to himself. For some is all about being a victim. They are the way they are because of their childhoods or because of where they grew up or because of the bad things that have happened to them. So many people in the world today are professional victims.
Because playing the victim is easy. You do not have to assume any responsibility for the way your life looks. You can blame everyone else for what’s not working in your life, never having to look at yourself and make the changes required and grow as person.
The journey of growth begins with the discovery and development of purpose.
What on earth are you here for? This is the question to answer. Until we candidly answer the question we will not have sustained growth. Our focus will be divided and our energies spread out too thin. But when we know our purpose, we can then build our lives around it. We will find ourselves making a difference in this life if we priotize according to that purpose.
Many possible paths to our lives have been written for us. There are many doorways into the mansion of bliss. Just as there are many routes you can take to get to your biggest life, the life that has been meant for you-getting there is a homecoming of sorts as well. There are many jobs, you can take that will get you to your destiny. Similarly there are many souls’ mates available to you, each offering different lessons, but all able to help you grow into and awaken your best. Getting to your highest self and biggest life is the main purpose of life.
Getting home to the place of brilliance, love, and fearlessness you have forgotten is the reason for your existence. Now it’s up to you which route or path you take as you attempt to get to your authentic life. No one path is better than the other-just look different. Taking one path might mean a longer trip, just you need to travel a longer distance and face a few bumpier roads. Taking another path might be like taking an expressway to your destination with a smooth ride and cloudless blue skies. It’s up to you. It’s in large part determined by the choices you make within the moments of your days.
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