Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The power of “DO IT NOW”

May I humbly say that the habit of do it now is one of the greatest asset we have. This habit is so much a part of life that I believe we should exercise daily to achieve anything we conceive in our mind. Here am not referring to the harebrained decisions. In fact you must gather all the facts then you are sure you don’t have any reason to procrastinate. You have to take stock of your abilities, your fellowmen, and your situation as you see it and your best self and set forth with a definite plan in mind. We must remember and recognize as human beings that we are the only creatures on earth who can appropriate the power of the mind and direct it to the ends of our own choice. No animal can do that. Animals have what is called instinct but they cannot go one iota beyond that.
Those who reach decisions promptly ad definately, know what they want and generally get it. The leaders in every walk of life decide quickly and firmly. Indecision is a habit usually begins early and follows an individual through his life hood and ninety-eight out of every hundred people living today lack definiteness of decision to plan a definite life and how to choose it..
Definiteness of decision always requires courage, sometimes very great courage. And this needs us to resourcefully use our sixth sense which is creative imagination. The faculty of creative imagination is one which the majority of people never use during their entire lifetime and if used at all, it usually happens by mere accident. Relatively small number of people use, with deliberation and purpose aforethought, the faculty of creative imagination if made to use can make us take action and reap the benefits which many misses.
Begin now to sow thoughts of peace, happiness, right action, goodwill, and prosperity. Think quietly and with conviction on these qualities. Accept them fully in your conscious reasoning mind. Continue to plant these wonderful seeds of thought in the garden of your mind and you will reap a glorious harvest.
When your mind thinks correctly, when you understand the truth, when the thoughts deposited in your subconscious mind are consctructive, harmonious and peaceful, and the magic working power of your subconscious will respond. It will bring about harmonious conditions, agreeable surrounding and the best of everything. Once you begin to control your thought processes, you can apply the powers of your subconscious to any problem of difficulty and do something now without procrastinating. You will actually be consciously cooperating with the infinite powers and omnipotent law that governs all things.
Now, start acting by doing whatever you think now without postponing anything and you will find power.

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How to make changes in our lives

Whatever your self-concept, your habit of thinking with regard to money or any
Other area of performance, this very soon becomes your “comfort zone.” Your
Comfort zone then becomes your greatest single obstacle to improved performance.
Once you get into a comfort zone in any area, you will strive and struggle
Unconsciously to remain in that comfort zone, even though it may be vastly below
What you are truly capable of achieving in that area.
We may not see the sweet become the bitter until the taste fills our mouth and our eyes are watering with the pain of the transformation. The only certain about life is that it will change. We are forced to keep the change in our lives whether we want to or not, realizing that the best of situations can turn on a dime and become the worst crisis we have faced. So many of life is hardship derive their power from the unexpected timing of the punch the catches off guard
The key to achieving your full potential, to increasing your income to vastly higher
Levels than it is today, and to enjoying the very best that is possible for you in
Every area of life is for you to raise your self-concept in that area. It is for you to
Develop new habits of thinking about what is possible for you. The way that you
Accomplish vastly more on the outside is by changing your thoughts and feelings
About your potential in that area on the inside.
No matter how faith-filled, how financially responsible, how politically correct you are, how congenial you may be with others, you will inevitably find yourself from time to time facing moments that threaten you like a terrorist attack. These private haunt us and leave us with a secret angst that hangs around like hot spicy foods in a system that has no gall bladder.
There is a direct relationship between the amount of control you enjoy and the amount of responsibility you accept. If you take the time to become aware of it and assume responsibility for it you can control what you imagine and the way you see yourself and the way you want your future to unfold. When you face difficult decisions or uncertain, it helps to seek counsel from someone you respect. We should always stay open and be willing to take advice.
The only way to raise our awareness is to continue learning and developing, we need to strive to maintain the readiness to learn even from seemingly unlikely sources. Such sources would include persons younger than us, less educated than we are or those who do not have the exposure that we have had in life. This takes lots of humility which in an age of competitiveness doesn’t feature on top of the must have traits.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Change your content and context and success is on your way

I contend that if a person has ever increasing context and content, the person will change habitually and be different. It is not what you say or talk that make you different but you mode of thinking. If you are in a storm today, now more than ever you need to guard what you say and not allow any negative, destructive words to come of your mouth. In other words you create an environment for either good or evil with words and you are going to have to live in that world you have created. If you are always murmuring, complaining and talking about how bad life is treating you. You are going to live in a pretty miserable, depressing world.
Friend, there is miracle in your mouth. If you want to change your world, start by changing your words. When times get tough, don’t give in to murmuring, disputing and complaining. Speak to those problems. If you learn how to speak the right words and keeps the right attitude. God will turn that situation around.

Let’s be real, though. You may have a deep river of negativity and it s going to take a strong will to change. The river was not formed overnight, nor will be redirected without some conscious, strenuous effort on your part. God will help you, but you are going to have to make quality decisions every day, choosing the good, rejecting the bad. Determine to keep your mind set on the good things of God.
Why there seems s no change at all
We know people like to hold on to old ideas and beliefs as though they were valued personal possessions including the words out of the mouth. Why is this? In part to reconsider adopted points of view involves thinking. In fact, it involves original thinking. Which questions a previous assumption or the original basis for a previous assumption? All such thinking “hurts” since it requires considerable effort and self-analysis. As well, it involves some risk. People will not throw away an old habit until they have acquired a new one to replace it then discard the old one. People will not accept a new idea unless they believe to do so is their self interest. In other words the new idea or belief has a better “fit and feel” than the old one in the total context of a person’s new reality structure, the new way you are seeing yourself.
Unfortunately, people who do no think their past are condemned to repeat it. Habitual thinking can only lead to habitual behavior. it can be compared to treading water or marking time as the world passes you by. The only people who can change their mind are those who use it.
How can you have the new change of habit?
Clearly there is hope for everyone. You need only program you subconscious mind with artificial, winning experiences as effectively as real-life experiences. You can use your own resources, knowledge and imagination in this positive, purposeful way instead of waiting for your circumstances and environment to take care of you.
Decide that you will be a person of your word with reputation on the line. Put your resolution in writing and place it where it will continually remind you.
Ask for divine strength to support you. Start expecting good things. Get up each morning knowing that God has great things in store for you. When you get out of bed “father, I am
Excited about today. This is a day you have made, I ‘m going to rejoice and be glad in it, God. I know you reward those who seek you, so I thank you in advance for your blessings, favor and victory in my life today”. Then go out and live with expectancy; live with faith. Ask others to help keep you accountable. Make your decisions public. Public pledges are difficult to break because you don’t want to let others down. Next have a definite plan, but avoid inflexibility. Then make your plan a part of your daily life, go for moderation and balance and expect progress to be gradual. If it took you years to be what you are, it will takes some time before you get what you want.(never be promised that it is an overnight thing). Enjoy the process, not just the end product. And don’t be hard on yourself. Old habits die hard. Monitor your progress on a regular basis, but don’t be obsessive. Follow the 90/10 rule rather than 100/0 rule. Go for 90 percent compliance. Cut yourself a little slack, rather than wallow in quilt. Give credit where credit is due; thank the Lord for your success.


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Thursday, August 14, 2008

How to discover the journey back home.

Personal growth is the most important key in unlocking our potential. The potential that lies within us is largely limitless and largely untapped. When we think of the limits, we create them. For us to grow we must embrace the fact of growing from inside and not outside-inside.
Ultimately the responsibility to develop ourselves rests squarely on us. Where we are on the journey of development is entirely our prerogative. The moment we really want to be different we set the change process in motion.
The most life-destroying word of all is the word tomorrow, the poor, the unsuccessful, the unhappy, the unhealthy have accommodated this word and they normally use it in a daily basis as the reason they don’t want to take responsibility and start the journey of growth. The problem with the word tomorrow is that I have never seen tomorrow. Tomorrows do not exist. Tomorrow only exist in the minds of dreamers and losers. People who put off till tomorrow find that the sins and bad habits of their past eventually catch up with them.

Every one of us creates a story about his own life, even if he only tells it to himself. For some is all about being a victim. They are the way they are because of their childhoods or because of where they grew up or because of the bad things that have happened to them. So many people in the world today are professional victims.

Because playing the victim is easy. You do not have to assume any responsibility for the way your life looks. You can blame everyone else for what’s not working in your life, never having to look at yourself and make the changes required and grow as person.
The journey of growth begins with the discovery and development of purpose.

What on earth are you here for? This is the question to answer. Until we candidly answer the question we will not have sustained growth. Our focus will be divided and our energies spread out too thin. But when we know our purpose, we can then build our lives around it. We will find ourselves making a difference in this life if we priotize according to that purpose.

Many possible paths to our lives have been written for us. There are many doorways into the mansion of bliss. Just as there are many routes you can take to get to your biggest life, the life that has been meant for you-getting there is a homecoming of sorts as well. There are many jobs, you can take that will get you to your destiny. Similarly there are many souls’ mates available to you, each offering different lessons, but all able to help you grow into and awaken your best. Getting to your highest self and biggest life is the main purpose of life.

Getting home to the place of brilliance, love, and fearlessness you have forgotten is the reason for your existence. Now it’s up to you which route or path you take as you attempt to get to your authentic life. No one path is better than the other-just look different. Taking one path might mean a longer trip, just you need to travel a longer distance and face a few bumpier roads. Taking another path might be like taking an expressway to your destination with a smooth ride and cloudless blue skies. It’s up to you. It’s in large part determined by the choices you make within the moments of your days.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Can get what you really want in your life

Life does not listen to your logic; it goes on its own way undisturbed. You have to listen to life, life will not listen to your logic, and it does not bother about our logic.

As human beings, our tendency is to tell life to listen to what we want. But life doesn’t work like that way. It gives us what we need, what is best for us and what is in our highest interest. Often the most difficult part of taking those first steps towards the part to success is not with the actual execution of the plan, but rather in your ability to take the full responsibility for your life. Jack canfield in his book success principles states a single formula that you can adopt in taking responsibility for your life and for changing the desired outcome that you want in your life. The formula is E+R=O. Whereby E stands for Event and R stands for Response and O is the outcome.

Events always remain an uncontrollable given in the equation because you have little or no control over what happens in the outside world. You have no control over flood, and the rest. What you find is that people often focus and waste much of their energy blaming and trying to control things which are beyond them which removes all the responsibility that they have from changing their desired outcome for the better.

Rather than blaming the events which are beyond our control, we should take the responsibility and change the way we respond to it. Nothing offers you as big opportunity to reclaim more power than what we possess. Sometimes our human eyes can view it as a negative experience and we can start blaming ourselves for no good reason; where is God when all this is happening? Why was I born to this unfriendly world? And so many other lames reasoning. This is just but fear which is making to behave like a mouse because you don’t want to take responsibility in your life.

You see suffering occurs when something happens that we did not expect. It occurs when life gives something unexpected, some new condition and it will come as an event maybe becoming ill or the loss of someone you loved in your life, financial setback which is beyond your control, like the case of post-election wars we experienced here in Kenya January 2008 and many people lost their lives, relatives and many properties were lost and business made huge losses, which affected everyone here in Kenya and there was a lot of blaming going on around and the response is all will determine the outcome. We are asked to let go of what we expected for a human being and letting go can be frightening.

But there is nothing to fear. The universe of ours is a far friendlier place than we realize. Suffering comes to help us and causes us to know who we truly are. Suffering cracks us and we open, forcing us to let go and surrender all that we have known and clung to. Clinging to safe shore in your life is nothing more than making a choice to remain imprisoned by your fears. There may be the illusion that you are free when you keep living within the box that your life may have become but believe me it’s just that: an illusion- a lie you tell yourself. But when you will take full responsibility to your life and leave the box for new ventures then you would have changed your outcome completely in your life.

There is much darkness in the world. But trust me there is also more light in it than ever. So many people have come to realize that you can curse the darkness or you can have the courage to be one who lights a candle. That is what taking responsibility is all about lighting candles amidst darkness. Darkness only exists in the absence of light.

We are moving towards a critical mass, a tipping point when there will be a massive shift. When enough people awaken to take up responsibility in their lives and there will be quantum leap. People will take a path that involves living life according to their own deepest values and highest ideals that is taking total responsibility with an open heart and a developed mind. Are you ready?

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Do you have a nagging habit grab you and push you to do what you vowed you wouldn’t do? You give up coffee and shakes. Suddenly bang! The craving hits. What do you do?
I have found a very practical way which can assist you if you can borrow it. I tried it and infact it worked for me, rather than, trying to stop suddenly the habit you have already created we trick into continuing with the current habit we have or something which you want to stop and cheat your way out of it, what I mean is that instead of stopping it we can trick the subconscious mind that you will have it later.
For example you have a craving for coffee and you have understood that coffee has become an addict to you and feel should stop it but don’t know how, instead of stopping it you can have a strategy in which you have merit, for six days you can take other beverages apart from coffee and then on the seventh day you can take the coffee the whole day as much as you want.
This “cheat day” tricks you into controlling your craving instead of allowing it to control you. So that when you look inside your freezer and find coffee and want to take it you can tell yourself that am going to have it on Sunday anyway. But a funny thing is that you will Sunday and find out that the desire for it was just an impulse of the moment.
I have been trying this strategy in my stopping of things which are not congruent with my beliefs in life and which are not empowering and have found it to be a very good strategy. Have shared with others too to try and am getting positive response from it even though some few individuals sound like a cop out, especially when they are trying to make a complete lifestyle change in life. The feeling good about it is the answer to the habit you have because what you imagined was better than the real thing.

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Enjoy the process as you create a new habit, goal or an accomplishment.

Starting a goal and sticking with it- may be one of the most challenging tasks you’ll ever face. For example to be successful managing your weight, you must commit to get fit. Since we are human creatures of habit. Adopting a new lifestyle require breaking old, ingrained habits and forging new and perhaps unfamiliar ones. Many meet waterloo on this first step because their decision is based on emotional enthusiasm rather than a disciplined commitment.
When the going gets tough and the emotional highs fade, the strengths of your commitment must carry you through. Decide that you will be a person of your word-with reputation on the line. Put you resolution in writing and place it where it will continually remind you. What do you need in order to keep your commitment? Here is a list of essentials:
• Have a definite plan but avoid inflexibility
• Make modest beginning goals. Drastic change may be necessary if serious health hazards need to be dealt with but, generally speaking, excessive goals set you up for failure.
• Make your plan a part of your daily life.
• Go for moderation and balance.
• Expect progress to be gradual. If it took years to get out of shape it will take months to get it back.
• Enjoy the process, not just the end product.
• Don’t be too hard on yourself. Old habit dies hard.
• Monitor your progress on a regular basis, but don’t be obsessive
• Follow the 90/10 rule rather than 100/0 rule. Go for 90 percent compliance. cut yourself a little slack, rather than wallow in guilt.
• Give credit where credit is due.

Ask others to help keep you accountable. Make your decision public. Public pledges are difficult to break because you don’t want to let others down. I wish you success and raise your awareness to live righteously.

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

How to keep on getting what you really wanted in life

Life can constantly change as you respond to events, people and opportunities. Sometimes you have to make deliberate growth in order to be congruent with your personal growth. You will fail several times before you make any significant towards your goals. Your mistakes will be your lessons along the way. The experience you will gain cannot allow your past mistakes to bind and gag you down.
Many of us believe that we have to be in the right place at the right time in order to achieve, much like winning a lottery. Let us not forget that success is a direct consequence of our wanting a more abundant life and working to earn it is like wading through the mud puddles of life toward the unfair beckoning sea waiting to swallow you.

There is nothing worse like reaching the end of your life and start wandering what could have happened or should have happened, but somehow didn’t happen. The sad memories of lost opportunities have made many people in the world to live in a bitter life for the rest of their lives on earth.
Many times we want to live to our fullest in the all aspects of life, spiritually, financially and even relationally. And yet we are always settling for less all the time. You feel abused in the current relationship you are, you unfulfilling job but you feel don’t have any other alternative, and you want to start your own business but don’t feel some in you. Do you want more out of the next phase of life than what you have now?
Let is face the truth and listen to our hearts what is spoken to us today and correct what you are wiling to confront. Do you have the courage to move ahead and make the big step?
It is very painful to accept the current situation and yet were meant for more, wanting to work in job where you talents and capabilities are not recognized, living with someone who you feel is not appreciative even if you have tried hard how long.

If you commit to following the path of courage, you will ultimately be forced to confront what is perhaps the greatest fear of all - that you are far more powerful and capable than you initially realized, that your ultimate potential is far greater than anything you've experienced in your past, and that with this power comes tremendous responsibility. You may not be able to solve all the woes of this planet, but if you ever do commit yourself 100% to the fulfillment of your true potential, you can significantly impact the lives of many people, and that impact will ripple through the future for generations to come and live a fulfilling live ever more. Let us start now and move despite of anything and shall better it as we move along.

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Managing the monkeys in your life

Things that need to be done are like monkeys. Feed them and they’ll never go home. They cling to you. They vie for your attention. They multiply until they‘ve control of your life. They cause stress. Now! What is this monkey in your life, is it a bad relationship you want to end, is it a career you want to change, is it a nagging spouse and don’t know what to do. Don’t allow the monkey to stress you. Get hold of your life right now and keep it in control. I will share more next keep on reading.
Thought of the daySow for yourself righteousness; reap in mercy; break up your furrow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, till He comes and rains righteousness on you. (Hosea 10:12)

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you have your own success formula in life

You will not be successful if you follow someone else success or strategy for success. Because you are unique and you have to develop your own success strategy. Why am I so confident that no one will ever give you a blueprint for success, the answer is so simple and can be found in what is success. Many of us who have tried to define what success is have not found any answer to the question. Because there is no single definition of success.
All successful people say that success is different from every person. So what I consider success, you might consider failure, right? You are 100% unique. What I have read in the market about the success formula is only a simple step for someone which assisted him or her achieve what he calls success. Therefore the steps he followed, which are based on HIS character, circumstances, current trends, and specific point in time are only really valid for him.
Many have argued that there are universal laws of success and general principles,rules,traits and habits shared among most successful people, and I want to point out that the mixture of the elements is the one which will determine your success because all of are very unique from one another. Which I can say every combination lock has a number on it. But each one requires a different sequence to open it.

Let is not forget that only you who can decide the best way to reach the level of success you want to reach. The successful people will only inspire you that you can make it and show you they did their recipes but you must formulate your own success strategy which is in line with your unique talents and skills you have in life. What are some of the ingredients you need to kick off you own success journey in life:
• You must have a purpose in life that you are passionate about.
• Universal laws and success principles which are prove.
• Success stories that illustrate how success is created in the real world and how successful people put their principles into action.

Let start forge our own strategy and will shall be successful on our own way.

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Friday, August 1, 2008

How can you motivate yourself even if life seems unfair.

When you wake up the morning feeling down, sometimes you feel like what is the need of living, why can’t I die now and cease to exist because life has no meaning at all. Many people we go through the same situation and no one is seems to care about your feeling and everybody is against you. I want to assure you that you are not an exception and that is why we all need to be motivated for us to start acting with enthusiasm.
We need to find out what is this really causing us to feel down, and many times is the things which we don’t want in our lives are the one causing us to feel down. you might find that it is lack of money which is making you feel down, it may be a relationship which is at deadlock and you feel it should end now, sometimes part of you body is ill and feeling uncomfortable right now, your career is unfailing and you really want something fulfilling what is it that is making you feel down and lack motivation.

Many people are finding themselves in your shoes, don’t kill yourself as –Fulton j. sheen said, each of us makes his own weather, determines the color of the skies in the emotional universe which he inhabits. It is only the thought we are making you be what you are now and how can you feel better again.
The best advice I can give you on what you need to do is to remember something which one time made you happy for example you can remember the reward you were given once, or the time you met your loved one and how you felt. The second alternative which can assist you and give you motivation is to put on a motivation audio and start listening to them continuously they are readily available in the nearest store please get one for yourself ,I want to assure you that you will start feeling better and have energy to do something for that day. I hope I have been of use to you today, wish you nice day and see you next time you are a wonderful beings and thank you for your contribution to the society.

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