Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Life is full of choices. What life should I choose? Where should I live? Should I remain in an unhappy marriage? These are all major life-changing decisions. Sometimes it’s a challenge to us and it can be very had for us to come up with tangible solutions in our lives. You can certainly choose to make them haphazardly and without careful consideration, but you’ll be the one who has to live with the consequences. If you don’t think creatively to come up with long lasting answers life will be in turmoil and we shall forever live in regrets.
For example you might be not in good terms with your wife and feel that I need a divorce, and probably might want to start looking at the problem from multiple perspective to search for a answers and maybe some of the suggested answers you might come up with and write them down;
• I should seek for a divorce immediately
• I should seek for a counselor to help us
• I should just keep quite maybe things might be ok one day
• Should open up and we discuss the matter together and maybe we might come up with a long-term solutions.
While even writing them can’t overcome the major limitations of our conscious minds to systematically consider solution spaces with millions of possibilities, writing things through is at least a step in the right direction. We still have to delegate a major part of our decision-making to our subconscious minds,
I am amazed by the fact that the more of this process we can pull into our conscious minds (by using either paper or a computer screen as an extension of our consciousness), the more clarity and focus we gain in knowing that our decisions are the right ones. And in the long run, after years of exercising the mental discipline to make more conscious decisions, we reap the harvest of far greater results.

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

For us to live consciously we need to serve others

Is it possible for one to attract new things in life i.e. new friends, environment, job, status and so on? This remains at a personal level depending on what perspective we are looking it from, if you believe that it is possible, definitely it will be possible but if your belief system tells you that it is not possible, definitely it will not be possible and you will never experience anything new in your life, and the time to come if you believe it is there. Can we be able to challenge our belief systems to explore new horizons and opportunities, can we challenge what we were taught that you go to school and then find a good job, or can you think of an alternative and challenge this belief that you finish school and maybe start you own business,

Therefore, challenging our beliefs remains a personal choice and nobody can change anyone to be what he can be and it is up to the person to decide what to take and not to take but we must be ready to challenge and venture to new things if we want successful life remember there is no universal manual created to tell us what to follow but everything can be found through trial ad error and if it works you follow it and maybe next time you face the same challenge you able to solve it. This also calls for those one whom we fear failure; failing is not the opposite of success but part of success because you have learnt something which does not work.

For us to live consciously we need to serve others and ourselves in the highest good of all. When we step into a new arena of starting a business, that is challenging our current reality and trying to lift up our thought to a new level and sometimes you will feel uncomfortable because you are not used to that but if you persist and endure you will finally get used to that and start enjoying again as if it is normal.
A personal example is when I challenged my thought which I had been conditioned that children who are born out of wedlock cannot be accepted in the society and are meant to be doomed and in really this belief had been manifested because where I come from I had seen children who never had fathers, living hopeless and in pity wanting to be sympathized with everyone and for me I saw as stupid because where is it written and destined that if you find yourself in that condition you will never make. I called it nonsense and I pursued what I felt should be done and I knew I was the one responsible for my thought and actions and thoughts and should never be manipulated by some people‘s created reality meant to benefit and scare others on earth.

Once I challenged them I found out we all have the same chance and opportunity to succeed, given an opportunity like now I want to tell everyone who might be experiencing some thing of that sort somewhere, I want to tell stand out and move it is your time now and if I made it you can also make it.

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Thursday, June 5, 2008


It’s common to all of us that we have faced or are facing some difficult problems in our life and sometimes fail to decide what solutions do you go for either to surrender or to pursue the matter ahead. For example you are in an abusive relationship whereby your spouse doesn’t care about you, the love between you has grown cold, you no longer feel wanted and you don’t know what to do next, below is some of the suggestion you will get.
This is a suggestion I have mostly read all over which many people can apply, and it depends on what perspective you are looking it from, fore example if both of you have had kid together maybe you might decide to leave him the kids or take them, and also you are ready to carry on the burden you are alone, why do I say so. Many people are not able to see the positive contribution of the other person until the individual demise from their lives then we start realizing his/her goodness once the gap is created.
So are you ready to fill the gap being created by the other individual, and remember in this earth we are unique and different, so if that will be the answer go ahead. Some people will say I will hook up with a different person but how sure you with the other person. Since its us who create our world don’t you know that you will also send the negative energy to the other person and start attracting what you had experienced before? From above we can say that walking out of the relationship is an individual decision after weighing the consequences then one can come up with the best solution to the question.
This is a suggestion which is adopted by many who already don’t have an alternative, maybe they had run away from home to get married, they looked at the man and so that he was the best man to marry, the were attracted by the money this man or woman had and fear if they run away they will miss them and decide just to stay, some will fear what the friends will say because they had told them that they are married and so on.
So what will happen if you decide to stay on and do nothing, maybe like other places in the world you are bitten all the time and you just continue condoning the blows. In this case we an say that if you continue praying for the best and doing nothing maybe you will be hurt ,or die or something bad happen to you. And many people will just say keep on keeping on, maybe one day he/she might change be better,
but let s say that waiting for the other person to change is a waste of time and you are only be hurting yourself, since we are the creator of our lives we must be ready to
change for the other person to get attracted to what we are having when I married I taught my wife was the best I got, since I had not learnt the secret of knowing who I was,
I just wanted to change her to fit what I wanted, I found difficult and many problems propped up I didn’t what I should have done.
Then I said try reading marriage counseling books then apply what I leant but I was just doing nothing because the problem was not with my wife but I was the problem, so I said let me now start changing the way I see things maybe I own the problems instead of seeing my wife that she has a problem, I just accept that I have a problem, then slowly things started changing to be better and found that I had the medicine to the problem which was happening to us, am not saying that you are the one who create the problem but if each one is able to own up his/her dark side then will shall attract what is better and life will be better more,
Many people we have a problem because we create pictures in our minds and start acting exactly as you made it without realizing that we have only made it ourselves. For example you might hear a conversation while talking with your friends at work that nowadays husbands are no faithful or nowadays wives are not faithful, if we don’t look after them we might loose them or they might cheat on us. then on the way home you keep on thinking about the conversation you had at work then a picture is created from nowhere about how you husband has cheated on you or wife is seeing someone else, immediately fear clop up then you feel resentment and then keep on thinking and since you don’t want to communicate you feel you should keep it to yourself and maybe wait for evidence then ask and here we don’t realize that our mind cannot comprehend what is real and what is false immediately it says your wish is my command I will give what you ask for.
then a situation s created whereby a friend of your husband who is a lady calls all of sudden from nowhere maybe the husband didn’t lock the office that day, and it happens you were near the phone ad in this case she is using her phone and not office phone to pass the information and you know what at work we have people who joke sometimes, maybe there are names they have given themselves then immediately somebody picks the phone she says from the other side hello “ honey” and this case a joke.
Don’t you seeing you have got the evidence you wanted and immediately your thought becomes a living and is manifested to what you wanted. Maybe what if once the thought came while coming home or you had the conversation and instead of remaining it to yourself you came straight to your husband or wife and shared what you had being said is happening and maybe who know you would have saved the whole situation and would have not caused what you finally got.
Do we all agree that what we are experiencing is caused by us and we are fully responsible, the decision is ours we can decide to walk away, remain and nothing or change our thoughts and communicate what is in our hearts.

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sex is an art then an act

Remember the first time you saw the man or woman you thought you loved, then the person proposed to you maybe as a lover, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, whichever way, you must have felt your heart skip a bit.
Remember the first time you kissed or you looked at each other in a loving way, as in can we have each other, the romance and then SEX. It didn’t just happen believe me it is NEVER a surprise; you conceive it in your thoughts and only fulfill it as an act. Therefore couples lets be realistic about the whole sex issue. It is not just an act as you watch it in pornographic movies or even other romantic movies, It’s actually a thought made to action.

You see realistically speaking, many couples get to a point where they can not even stand one another in bed, and this may lead to separation and even divorce in married couples. But then lets look at it from another view, you loved your partner didn’t you; you even imagined how he/she would feel like in bed didn’t you, then what exactly happened few weeks or months down the line when you start eyeing or imagining the guy next door eyeing his muscles and imagining how big he could be and how you will scream if he ever took you to bed. Yet at that same time your partner is busy caressing you wanting you soo badly. Hey YOU! Stop there and think, sex is an Art not an ACT, if it is an act to you as a woman it is so painful and even boring you wish the guy on top would be through so that you can do other things. Other women prefer masturbating at this point in time because you can have a variety of men I your mind as you are doing it.

Sex is meant to bring ecstasy to both partners at all times. It should never be a burden Girls. Listen, to enjoy sex you have to stop multi-tasking at that point in time and enjoy just that. Don’t wait for your partner to put you in the mood it all starts with you, if you wait for your partner then at times they just cant get you in that right mood. You know what is in your mind at all times and it is only you who can control your mind. Take a few minutes or even hours maybe as you are driving home or shopping put yourself in the sex mood not thinking of someone else, but think of your partner and how he/she brings so much pleasure to you. It works miracles because as you think of them you even feel them and will want them there and then, you cant wait to hold them in you arms. Send sex and love messages to your partner throughout the day, that’s another way of putting you in the mood or even call your partner and don’t talk of the kids or work don’t even nag, just say something sexual and let that be the nature of conversation until you cut the phone. Believe me you, your sex life with your partner will be much better and you will not imagine anyone else having this kind of joy.

Do not discuss your marital problems with friends and relatives unless it’s a professional marriage counselor
D not fight when going to bed. Keep your fights out of the bedroom look for another private room to fight let your bedroom be a LOVE room

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On 1st June I attended a real AFRICA WEDDING for one of my friends called Pastor Clifford Ratemo, Held in Kisii, I was real touched by what I saw there. We guys who had come from the urban arrears came to embrace the fact that the real change in the African culture is taking place. According to the kisii tradition you can’t enter in the bride’s place without carrying a sufuria ad blanket for the mother-in-law to be and the suit for the father-in-law to be. After giving the necessary we were allowed to enter the compound and wait to take the bride afterwards we headed to the church for the ceremony.

Guys as we were sitting watching the event unfolding, a certain Mzee commented about the comparison between the time he grew up and the way WEDDING where done and the time now and immediately something clicked my mind about the whole thing. Does it mean we should live in the past, the present or the future and don’t give me your views according to what you know but allow me to express myself because its happening all over the world and we cant assume it anyway.
First we should live the present why do I say so ,its because if we live consciously on what is happening and change the things at hand we are very sure that the future will be bright and forget of what happened in the past. What happens to us human beings including myself is that we try to live the past and wanting to change it for the better and we spend much of out time trying, tryng an trying whereby we waste most of our time in it and miss the opportunity to change our thoughts which is the engine of our lives in this world.
Many of us keep on thinking about what happened in the past, the broken relationship, the debts you have incurred from the past, the failed business you have ever attempted, the failing you ever had in school and I have come to realize that because of concentrating too much in the past we don’t have that enthusiasm of moving out and seizing opportunities which are waiting for you and keep on dwelling in the past negative thoughts ad through the LAW OF ATTRACTION we have attracted negative things which we don’t want in our lives like lack of money, broken relationship and many

The emotions we charge will determine if we shall achieve anything or not. Like now I come from Africa and all those who know Africa, it’s a continent full of resources and if there is a place in the world where whether you work or not but you must eat in Africa. The nature provides free resources to everyone but the irony is that it is the poorest continent we have and what is the reason behind it is because of the attitude we have towards life. Because everywhere you go you find very potential men and woman just sitting discussing people and if not people they are discussing events in the society. I don’t know about other areas but a place like the United States and other first world countries what is shaping those places is the thoughts they have towards life. For us to have the life want, we must starting changing our thoughts and living consciously and shall have anything we desire n this life

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Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Why is it that we always wake up with negative thoughts inclined to bad experiences we are undergoing and maybe you have debts you want to pay, you have bills at the corner which you don’t have money to pay, your spouse is giving you hell of time and feel like walking out of the relationship, you have a fiancé whom things are not working out and feel like you are cheated and don’t know what to do. These and other several experiences happens to all of us on a daily basis and we would like to know how can we be able to solve them and feel good about it, we try to consult those people who are near us like our peer friends, relatives, confidants and even those in authority maybe they might have an answer to the disturbing thoughts and experiences but I want us to give ourselves hope that we are sitting with the answers the people we are consulting can only give us their experiences and how they are able to solve the problem according to their perception and not necessarily that we are experiencing the same but we can only relate and come up with a conclusion to our problem by justifying but not forgetting that we have been pointed to the real answer which is lying just in us, simply because we have not learnt how to solve it we keep on sharing hoping that is the way we can be able to get the answer we need to our problem.
Take an example of a person who was never told that at the doorstep there is some money which was buried long time ago by someone and if you dig ad find it you can become rich instantly, since the person will be waking up everyday and just pass the door and leave to their daily work and maybe come back empty handed and sometimes sleep hungry can easily die with hunger because he/she is ignorant that their is money at the door. So how can he be able to know that money is buried at the door? These are some suggestions
Suggestion 1.
H/she will want to think and move from the current place where he is staying and on the process of demolishing the house they might land on the hidden treasure and immediately become rich and this only happen if you think and just act ad never know what you will get and its called trial and error. Many people have discovered answers to their problems when they have been pushed to the corner and the only thing to do is by trying a new thing after you exhaust what you had before and this can be seen as moving from the current house you are staying and in the process of moving step on the hidden treasure.
Suggestion 2.
At the leisure time will try maybe keep himself busy by reading past literature materials as a way of keeping one occupied, do we get the point here .just doing something ad not necessary trying to look for something but just doing it and at the end of the day you will have found a solution to a disturbing problem in life and this has rich history on how many individuals who are rich now were just keeping themselves by doing nothing important but only doing it and finally discovered a treasure which has civilized the world, read bill gates of Microsoft, read about the Google founders and all what you will find is that they where keeping themselves busy and in the process discovered something.
And therefore from the above suggestions on how to solve the disturbing problems in our lives you can find that, all we need is to try on ourselves to look for answers and you will find that they are buried at the doorstep of your heart and you are only passing them to go and look for them somewhere else very far because of our ignorance and we can only be able to find answer once we discover we are! Read how you can solve problems using the inner miracles within us at my blog hesbonyambane.com
I have discovered many solutions to the problems by just curiously trying alternative solutions to the problems and discovered they were the real answer, whether health, finance, relationship and such like. I started while young and have been doing it unaware, until I discovered that was my passion. I spend most of my time talking and advising people to know that they have answers to their problems and all is free of charge and if you find the advise helpful. Email me at hesbon2007@gmail.com or send a thank you note, check or money order payable to
hesbon Nyambane Kerongo
p.o. box 734.40200 .kisii.kenya.

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